Baby And Me Tobacco Free
Baby & Me – Tobacco FreeQuit smoking and get FREE DIAPERS for up to one year! Complete 4 sessions with our Baby & Me Facilitator and quit smoking prior to the birth of your baby is all that it takes. Does your partner smoke as well? They could also qualify for our program – which could mean double the free diapers for you and your baby! Post partum, you will return every 30 days for a year for a breath or saliva test to show that you are still smoke free and you will receive your voucher.
Conquest 295sbw. Contact our Baby & Me Facilitator today to get signed up! The black ink on the t-shirts represents the tar in a smokers lung after a year of smoking a pack a day.If smoking persists at the current rate among youth in this country, 5.6 million of today’s Americans younger than 18 years of age are projected to die prematurely from a smoking-related illness. This represents about one in every 13 Americans aged 17 years or younger alive today. Additional Facts-In 2018, more than 3.6 million US Middle/High School students used e-cigarettes in the past 30 days.-JUUL is an e-cigarette device that looks like a USB Flashdriveit is a small, easy to hide, device!!-1 JUUL Pod contains as much nicotine as 1 Pack of Cigarettes-From March to May of 2018 there were 15,000 Instagram Post related to JUUL-JUUL is being used by youth ages, 12-18 and are 16 times more likely to use than adults.
Quit Smoking Indiana Tobacco QuitlineThe Indiana Tobacco Quitline is a free phone-based counseling service that helps Indiana smokers quit. Heavenly sword kai. Services include:. One on one coaching for Tobacco Users who have decided to quit. Best Practices for Employers who want to implement smoke-free policies. Support for Family and Friends who want to help loved ones stop smokingServices are available to you 7 days-a-week in more than 170 languages.For support information call us today at 1-800-QUIT-NOW (800-784-8669).Call 656-3000 to enroll in a smoking cessation class. Classes are held every Wednesday at 6 p.m.
Baby and Me Tobacco Free (BMTF) is offered through Chaffee County Public Health (CCPH). If you quit smoking while you are pregnant and remain smoke-free for a year after the birth of your baby, you can earn up to $350 in free diapers. Baby & Me Tobacco Free. Quitting smoking is the most important thing you can do to protect your health and the health of your baby. What is BABY & ME - Tobacco Free Program TM. The BABY & ME – Tobacco Free TM is a FREE program to help pregnant women quit smoking during pregnancy and stay quit after the baby is born. How Does the Program Work?
Classes are free of charge. Learn about assistance with nicotine replacement.youtube=up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times.– Mark Twain, Best-Selling Author.
Quitting smoking is the single most important thing you can do for your health and the health of your baby!
Description: The Baby & Me Tobacco Free Program is an evidence based “best practice” tobacco cessation program for pregnant women and their families to help pregnant women and a support partner quit smoking and stay tobacco free after the baby is born. This program guides and supports a woman through the stages of quitting and includes vouchers for diapers and baby wipes as long as she stays tobacco free. Through a series of face-to-face counseling sessions, women and their families are given the tools and support needed to make a successful quit attempt and are rewarded with FREE DIAPERS in the form of a diaper voucher for their success. The program provides FREE diaper vouchers for a year making it possible for successful participants to earn over $300 in diaper vouchers.
How to participate: Please call 240-313-3310 for more information or to enroll.
Cost: Free
Baby & Me Tobacco Free is part of the Cigarette Restitution Fund (CRF) Program.
Other Resources for help quitting tobacco:
- Babyandmetobaccofree.org – The Baby & Me – Tobacco Free Program official website, contact information, program sites, and success stories.
- Maryland Quit Line – 1-800-QUITNOW (1-800-784-8669)
- Offers free phone support and free nicotine therapy patches and gum mailed directly to your home.
- SmokingStopsHere.com – Sponsored by the Maryland Quit Line
- Text4Baby – Text support
- Tips From Former Smokers – Tips from former smokers.
- Becomeanex.org – Part of the 2018 Truth Initiative
- Smokefree.gov – Check out the FREE QuitGuide Mobile App