Citizen Burger Disorder Online

Citizen Burger Disorder: A multiplayer online co-op burger making sim. Free to play. CITIZEN BURGER DISORDER PLAY NOW at Play 1000+ awesome free online games and loads more games like citizen burger disorder play now only at the awesome Free Games Arcade. Updated daily, and no popups!

Staying UpdatedThere's still a long way to go before CBD is ready for Steam, and there's a lot of content I want to add to the game over the coming months. I'm going to be experimenting with different ways of keeping you all updated on development progress, but here's a few starters:Major news and announcements can be found on my site,!Where I can, I'll also cross post announcements here on Steam, if that's something that y'all would be interested in. If I get a few comments on this announcement, that's a good way to let me know that they're being read!:DYou can also follow me on twitter, which is almost exclusively used as an avenue for me to post GIFs of CBD's development.!Finally, I'm also experimenting with the idea of live streaming game development. I've been streaming once or twice a week at, and while I'm doing this pretty infrequently at the moment, I hope to make it a bit more regular.

Because I'm an Australian dev, the times that I go live are probably pretty crazy for some people. If you'd like to be updated when streams go live, hit the 'Follow' button on that page and Hitbox will notify you when I put streams up!This is a great way for me to talk with people while I'm making the game, and gives you a good look into what the process is like for making a game!And as always there's the discussions page on this greenlight (which I read, but probably won't comment on), and my forum at where you can post microsoft paint doodles for some reason.Anyway, I won't make this post any longer! Thanks for voting, and thanks even more to those of you who left comments! Enjoy your holidays!:D.

Development PlansCitizen Burger Disorder is still a fair way from the finish line. Quizup for pc. It's a fun concept, but the game has a lot of room to grow before release.The Steam release primarily consists of the following specific goals I want to meet:A standalone client removed from the dodgy account system I created on my site.A stable game that has as few unintentional annoyances as possibleA more acceptable server browser and server creation optionsA complete 'gameplay loop' that is fun to playIn addition, there's still lots of room for the game to expand upon its gameplay mechanics and gameplay content. I'm unlikely to go into much detail of these, because it really depends on which systems are fun to play and which aren't and I'd hate to announce features that I later cut.

But it's worth noting there's loads of work yet to go into the game, and the game itself has the chance of changing quite drastically the more I get stuck into the development.