Demon Attacks Person

Symptoms of possible demonic influence or attack If you or a loved one have noticed some or any of the sudden physical or emotional symptoms or changes, listed below, in your thinking or behavior, you may be under demonic influence or attack.Demonic manifestations or influences can come about in many forms and for many reasons. When they happen they can be disruptive and possibly harmful. Satan is our enemy. He will use any opening we give Him. I encourage you to examine the below list carefully and don’t consider yourself to be immune from the influences of a demonic attack.The purpose of this teaching is to help you understand if you have a door open through which Satan and his helpers, the demonic, can enter, they can cause problems in your life. They will use any opportunity we give them to accomplish their goals. Which is to mess with our thinking, make us sick and even kill us.

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It isn’t a 100% complete inventory or assessment, but it will give a lot of guidance.First of all, the devil hates Christians and He will do anything within His power to ruin our testimony. He is the great deceiver and the great tempter. He will use any one, at any time, to try and destroy us or a loved one. But if you are a saved/born again Christian–always remember. The spirit within you is more powerful than anything the demonic can through against you.

If you have the right tools. You don’t have to be oppressed by the demonic. You can live free.Sin being allowed to gain a stronghold in our life is the most common cause for demonic attack. Any Christian can come under attack by demonic forces.

You don’t have to be oppressed by the demonic. You can live free. Sin being allowed to gain a stronghold in our life is the most common cause for demonic attack. Any Christian can come under attack by demonic forces. Any repetitive sin in our life is an opening for an demonic stronghold to take hold and become fertile ground for the devil. Dec 18, 2017  If you've ever woken up in the middle of the night feeling as though you're being crushed by a demonic being, you may have just experienced what's called the incubus phenomenon: an 'attack' by a.

Any repetitive sin in our life is an opening for an demonic stronghold to take hold and become fertile ground for the devil. Honest repentance of any sin in your life and forgiveness of all who have hurt you, should rid a Christian of these unwanted pests.Sin in our life is the primary reason why the demonic can take a hold of us and try to influence us. Certain anti or non-Christian activities we involve ourselves in can also be a direct cause. Often unknowingly. We may get involved with them for seemingly good reasons. But the results of contrary or non-biblical activities can be harmful and even devastating.Demons are real. We have to face the fact that the spiritual world does contain demonic beings.

And they are not your friends. They want you sick, confused, fearful, angry, not in the Word, isolated and maybe dead. For sure they do not want you worshiping the one true God. They don’t want you in true worship to Jesus Christ. The Jesus Christ of the bible.

The only one through which we can be saved.As stated above, two of the ways the demonic can take hold or influence a person is through repetitive, unrepentant sin or through an activity that opens a doorway for the demonic to come in. Drug abuse is another example of this. There are many others, like the idol worship of Buddha or the adoption of non Christian tenants and bringing them into our faith. We will be discussing additional doorways or reasons in future postings.The following is a partial list of the symptoms of demonic influence and attack. By examining them you should be able to get a sense if you or your loved one is being affected.

Please consider them thoughtfully and prayerfully. Any one of them may be a reason for concern.

But there may be medical causes. Real medical issues, that need the attention of your doctor, may be the source of your problems. It is when one suffers from multiple symptoms that we can be relatively confident that the demonic is involved.There are many reasons or possible causes of demonic attacks. The person being attacked may be involved in some sort of activity that is allowing or inviting the spiritual negativity in.

It may be caused by someone close to you, that may be opening a spiritual doorway. It also could be the result of a demonic curse or jinx of some sort. We’ll be covering many of the possible sources of spiritual attacks in a later posting. It is not necessarily important that you try to determine the source of the harassment. Dealing with it in the proper way can eliminate it and protect you in the future.If you are concerned, I have authored an ebook on this very subject.

Entitled: The Biblical Spiritual Warfare Manual. It is almost 200 pages of biblical guidance on How-To protect yourself and your family from the evil that is rising up during these days of the end.You can check it out.The below list is a partial list of changes in behavior or thinking that can occur after one has started or been involved in an activity that opens Satan’s doorway. But we should also understand that these same symptoms may have a medical cause. If any of these are particularly bothersome, controlling or persistent it is always recommended that you see a medical doctor.Symptoms that might indicate the presence or influence of any demonic entity. This list should be used as a general guide only. There lots of articles on this subject in the Spiritual Warfare category and complete listings in the Spiritual Warfare Training Course and the Biblical Spiritual Warfare Manual.(Not possession for a Christian!

I know that there are forces in this world that are beyond our control. If Demons are real than so are Angels. If I remember before we even existed there was a war between good and evil. Lucifer Morning Star, Devil, Father Of Lies, Prince Of Darkness, Old Nick, started this war and Michael the archangel fought along with 1/3 of god’s holy angels. Those aside with Lucifer began to believe in all of his lies and it was Lucifer who turned many angels against GOD he even begged Michael to join him and Michael knew it was crazy.

There is a war on earth a battle for our very souls.Demons work in groups because they are the devil’s henchmen and Lucifer wants everyone to believe that he doesn’t exist or that GOD doesn’t exist. This battle will go on until the end of time, Demons don’t care about God’s children b/c they are jealous and I had experiences of my own with the demonic and angelic realm there is something happening in this world that no one understands because they are so involved with being selfish and consumed with wanting power and control. Materialistic things, and trying to be better than the average person and making money and trying to be #1.Spiritual Warfare is real and so is bullies, gang stalking, and people living on hate. There is a war a battle and evil is ruling why GOD would allow this I will under know the true answers but since I am being gangstalked I accept it its just the way it is. I tried the police, prayer request phone numbers and trying to tell people. People have no idea what is coming none.

Hi, I wish I could fine a true deliverance ministry in my area. I have been looking on line all over my state in PA. Noe and the few i did see I am not so sure they are a true deliverance ministry. Today you have to be careful and know for sure they are true Christians any more I have to know a person very well before I trust them. There are more Christian witches in the modern churches in here. Plus there is no such thing as a CHRISTIAN WITCH. That is a WITCH period.

New age and the Occult are in the modern churches. You have to get in the word for your self. Please Use a King James version Bible. The Bibles out there are all written by man not the Holy Spirit. Man wants to make up there own rules and there ways alot of twisted scripture is in them also verses are missing and they leave out the Son The Blod of cChrst Jesus. They chop verses off. So please get a true King James Bible.

Also alot of new age devotionals and new age books are in the Bible book stores now, The Christian book stores are full of new age know that you know the true Bible so you won’t be mislead. Pastot Thomas I thank you for all the Love Care and hard work you have put into this Most needed Ministry for these End times. The Days are getting darker as the Modern Churches have joined with the occultic and new age. I to was deceived in the Church we went to for 20 or more years. I to was getting attack by witch craft from my so called Christian Friends. At times I question things but they always made it sound good.Or I didn’t trust God.

Or you have a teachable spirit. As time went on crazy stuff was gone on in when my christian friends came out to seem at my home. I was looking at my two friends as we talked I seen their faces change like really spooky. I knew this was demonic and I didn’t want them on my home any mpore.

When I question my other frid of what she was doing when she was gone off in the spirit world she would get so sleepy the more she move her head and had her eyes closed like she was really enjoying her self. Well I so knew she was a witch. She would use me at times to buy her stuff. It was complusive behavior It was like she put a spell on me. These are the Christian witches.

Allso I was in a home church for a short time she said she was an apostle she was in the spirit world to she always saw angels after worship songs she said to me she has an angel in her home she named him JerEMIAH he was between her kitchen and living room doorway. One day she said she showed me the Angel dust that came off of her. She even got it tested she said some was pure gold. She also had a deliverance Ministry.That was the reason I went to her when it was time for me to get deliverance she said I would see Jesus I would see a bright light.

Well the day I was to get my deliverance she said I am not gone to do the deliverance she said she had a bible study that night. So a couple form the home church was gone to do my deliverance I had to pay them as well. So they told me to i would see a bright light and i would see Jesus and on and on.

I was deceived for one thing I never saw Jesus or a bright light. I didn’t want to to see that Image. The Bible said no man will see Jesus until Jesus Returns. The questions they asked me was for me to manifest which I did at times.

But I never had a Real True Deliverance from them I still had the same problems. This home church was into New Age big time.

She gave me a big write up of a Prophecy that she did on me. This is a messed up New Age Church. I also was at a birthday praty for my friend that was in the aglow I never went to aglow meetings cause they are new age to just by what she said about the meetings i knew it was new age. So at this birthday party they did there acts The one lady would get loud and say words that would get them gone I felt it was witch craft the way she flew around doing her spells.

It wasn’t for me. As time went on I got further into this false cult Chruch for 20 plus years. We have been marked both me and my husband cause when my husband got saved my husband was up at the altar crying and them wailing Men where praying for him. The Pastor came down off the platform Jumped up on one leg and hot my husband on the back of the head it was demonic my husband stopped crying.

As time went on the pastor did crazy things to me to at the time i thought nothing off it. Until the day he was preaching and looked right at me and said When I get up in the morning I just say Good Morning God, This was strange Cause when I, me When I wake up in the morning I always say Good Morning God great is thy Faithfulness. We still kept going to church On wensday nights we had bible study groups.

This one wensday night I gave a testimony. That sunday The Pastor looked right at me as he was preaching he said to me you can give a short testimony not along one. I was so shocked I said I am marked. I said to his dautgher I was marked and told her what I hared she said to me how can that happen when he is under the anointing I said I don’t know.

Then soon athought came to me what kind of anointing was he under. Soon Othings happen to me as well. So I shared alot how Santa is in the modern churches. When God said leave we ran.

After 20 plus years there was some more demonic stuff happen to me as well. I do know he was hooked up with an other welll known ministry that this ministryleader was a free Mason. So I am still dealing with the free Masons the occult that is in our neighborhood. We are marked I want to be set free. I thank Pastor Thomas for his ministry that is warning the sheep as well as helping the ones who are dealing with the demonic spirit world. Every where we go they are on our heels.

In all the stores and place we go out to eat they do stuff to our orders I was in a drive thro chick fil a in my town they never mixed my shake IT was all Milk. The stores they know every thing we buy in our town food store They open stuff like the bread we buy and I like only this one brand of apple butter I notice when we got home this lid on the apple butter was to easy to open plus it was anew kind of lid not the one they normal use. Today I check it out alittle closer the apple buter here they had two on the end that was the new lid all the many others had the normal sealed lids. Cause when I opened it it was more runny not as thick as to what it was to be.

I always Pray over our food on the way home and I pray over all our food as I put it away. So much happens to us no matter where we go. The Neighbor man that is the manger husband does his sanatic demonic occult stuff on us he came over one day and knocked on ur back door it was so demonic. Then he left right away. All kinds of stufff they lay around taht is demonic stuff that is being used to torture us.

I keep doing spiritual warfare prayers I blead the Blood alot on my self and husband and over all our dewelling. We live in a mobile home but rent the lot.all our neighbor hood is all in on thewitch craft. Plus we also had a repair fix it man in our home to re do some of our bathroom he did demonic stuff to us to and i see the signs he put on the things he was doing for us I pray over everything.

Plead the blood on all our home and dewelling. I can tell they know what i am doing they have me progrom I was set up and I was invaded. I do need help to get all the demonic out of me and my husband and out and off our home. Pastor Thomas I might Have to get in touch with you. I know God is Greater and I pray warfare prayers that are on line as well I found some good warfares prayers to pray and I also Pray the word The word is power and truth.

WE are pretty much alone. Just me and my husband. They attack my husband I know when he loses his blance or falls. They Bump him. To cause him to fall.

There is alot more stuff. I know these are the evil days we live in So lift up your head your redepemmton drawth nigh. Please lift us up in Prayer. We have to keep using our weapons of our warfare, Hold on to Jesus Darlene.

I was raised in a born again Christian bible based home but around 13 I decided to learn more about the occult durin that time I had seen and heard things I never wanted to experience again my mother had found out after I had gotten to afraid to even let her in my room I went to church repented got saved and started to attend church thru out my life I have been fought so bad by satan suicidal thouhts and depression were the main things.

If you've ever woken up in the middle of the night feeling as though you're being crushed by a demonic being, you may have just experienced what's called the incubus phenomenon: an 'attack' by a male demon. (Its female counterpart, the succubus, usually attacks men.)The phenomenon is, in many ways, the quintessential nightmare. For centuries, the incubus demon has been said to haunt sleepers, inspiring as well as works of art.Now, a new meta-analysis from the Netherlands suggests that this frightening phenomenon may be more common than previously thought — and that it should be taken more seriously by psychiatrists and psychologists who hear such accounts from their patients. The so-called attack usually occurs during an episode of sleep paralysis, a condition that's even more common than the incubus phenomenon, according to the a result of the dissociation of sleep phases, said senior author Dr.

Jan Dirk Blom,a professor of clinical psychopathology at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands.The condition happens when a person is falling asleep or waking up. During sleep paralysis, two aspects of REM sleep, or rapid eye movement sleep, occur when a person is conscious.During, which is the period when a person typically dreams, the body's muscles are relaxed to the level of paralysis, presumably to prevent the sleeper from acting out his or her dreams, Blom said.

But when sleep paralysis takes place, the person's mind wakes up — however, the person is still dreaming, and the body is still paralyzed.' Lying in bed in such a state of paralysis, the brain's threat-activated vigilance system kicks in and helps to create a compound,' Blom told Live Science.What the afflicted person sees is a combination of their actual surroundings and a nightmare, which is projected onto the real world.

The experience feels exceptionally real, Blom said. Tracking demonsIn the meta-analysis, which was published in November in the journal, the researchers looked at 13 studies of the incubus phenomenon that included nearly 1,800 people. The different studies came from various countries, including Canada, the United States, China, Japan, Italy and Mexico.The researchers found that over 1 in 10 people, or 11 percent of the general population, will experience the in their lifetimes, Blom said.

'That means that there is an 11 percent chance for any given individual to experience this the incubus phenomenon at least once during their lives,' he added.But in certain groups, the odds of 'encountering' an incubus are higher. Among people with psychiatric disorders, as well as among refugees and — somewhat surprisingly — students, the odds of experiencing the incubus phenomenon are as high as 41 percent, Blom said.The analysis also found that people sleeping on their backs are more likely to experience the phenomenon. Alcohol consumption and irregular sleeping patterns also make an incubus visit more probable, Blom said.Though the frightening experience gets frequently dismissed as 'just a bad dream,' Blom noted that the incubus phenomenon can lead to additional problems, including anxiety, difficulty sleeping due to fear and even delusional disorder, a mental illness akin to.In the paper, the researchers speculated about a possible link between the incubus phenomenon and sudden unexpected death syndrome, a situation in which a healthy person inexplicably dies in his or her sleep.' People who have experienced the incubus phenomenon often report a level of anxiety that is 'off the scale,' Blom said.

'Many of them have the feeling that they will actually die during an attack. Whether that ever happens is unknown, even though for a person experiencing it, it is not hard to imagine this happening.' The analysis also found that the form of the incubus figure and how people react to it can vary based on the person's cultural background.For example, 'patients with Muslim background often tell me that they see the incubus phenomenon as a proof that they are being haunted by, an invisible spirit created by Allah out of smokeless fire,' Blom said.Sometimes, however, the incubus may take on a much more friendly and entertaining form.' I recently spoke to a healthy 15-year-old girl who had experienced the incubus phenomenon,' Blom said. 'She found four miniature penguins dining at a table on her chest, and had been thrilled and amused rather than scared.' Originally published on.

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