Dizzywood Secretbuilders

Sorry people dizzywood has been bought from secretbuilders. Nov 09, 2015  All of the original concept art and sketches for Dizzywood was produced by the extremely talented Jake Parker. That included all of the initial character sketches for Presto, Chanjo, Olivia Kickflip, and more. He’s also responsible for the “look and feel” of the world, so when you were spending all those hours exploring through Presto’s Grove.

We were going through some old screenshots of the early Dizzywood days and came across these from the famous Maze, which was a special area located inside Tanglevine Jungle. The maze itself changed every day and awarded points every time you were able to navigate safely to the finish line. Along the way, you might encounter obstacles that would send you hurtling back to the start line.

Here’s a screenshot of some of the moderators having an impromptu party after successfully completing the first maze. Hey any of you recognize the name imbatman33 cause that’s me I would be on DizzyWood and the beta world every single day and I stopped going on it cause I lost Internet for a long period of time and I would really love to talk to my friend from that game again I wish they would just reactivate that world the first one I had silver and I had tons of friends I miss talking to and having fun with on there if you recognize the tag imbatman33 please please send me an email at I’d love to get back in touch with you all miss you all very much and I Sencerley hope they open DizzyWood back up. I was a huge fan of dizzywood, and I went online almost everyday. After they shut dizzywood down,I was really sad. But I found another website to play on, although not all my friends are on there. There`s very little.

I like the other website, ‘secretbuilders,’ but honestly, it`s so not as fun as dizzywood. It`s completely boring. But, that`s not the website I go on now.

I go on ourworld, and like I said, not all my friends play on that. I would be so happy if dizzywood reopened again.Sincerely,A huge fan of Dizzywood.P.S. In this blog, is the last paragraph saying that dizzywood is reopening or something /???Sincerely,A huge fan of DW. Roxy, I miss you so much. We used to be best friends and now we don’t even talkI want to talk to you again! I still talk to exit weekly and we both miss you!

It’s just not the same without our trio. I missed dw and went on the website and saw your comment I couldn’t help but reply You’ll probably never get this message but at least I tried to get in touch with youyou may not even remember me because it’s be suchh a long time. I just miss you and needed to get this out.

I miss talking to youdonut queeni believe that was your nickname. (I WAS NOT A NOOB!)what up? OH YA I JUST NOTICED THIS IS THE FIRST TIME ALL DIZZYWOOD MEMBERS ARE CHATTING AND TOGETHER AGAIN, ON THE COMMENTS BOARD HAHA omg i’ve been trying to look for another virtual world like dw and they were all horrible(i tried; petpetpark, moshimonsters, ourworld, club penquin, tinierme, girlsgogames, fantage etc) I was really happy before dw ended cuz some of first friends started ditching me so i started hanging out with gold explorers who were really cool (fe; dragonpirate, meagie, hiya5, nanhemay, some others i cant remember right now). Oh ya my user. Was CandyBerry98 if you knew me MISS YA!! I REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT SOMETHING “NEW” ISXOXOXO DIZZYWOOD FOREVER-KEANA.

But Dizzywood isn’t online anymore. That’s true, but Dizzywood will live on in a few different forms. And here’s a sneak peek at something you’ll be seeing soon.””””Whats this mean!? Does it mean dizzywood is coming back BUT in a whole different ‘New’ way? IF IT DOES COME BACK, it would be nice for it to be the same way it was before it closed up. The last few days they came out with the christmas present gift thingy, remember?

When ANYONE could go around and get things non-members couldnt get? Me and my friends.Snowballgal.

thought since that was there dizzywood WOULD come back, or i guess, they just did it for everyone could have a chance to play like “members” play. Idk but ALOT Of people lovelovelove dizzywood. PLEASE COME BACCCK!cc8888-Saysay,Ourworld=”xCotton Candyx” 🙂.

I hope dizzywood comes back, but to be honest, I don’t think I’ll play much of it. I started dizzywood in late 2008, and fell in love with it. I was probably 10 when I started playing it, and I played up until it shut down (I was 13). Now I’m 14 and dizzywood seems sort of childish. I think if dizzywood comes back, they should put in a special 13 and up area where we don’t have limits on what we can say, and it will be more ‘Teen friendly’Although, I would still play, as long as we got our old accounts back (had gold membership).Hopefully, dizzywood will come back, but with a new area.-crazykitten1 (player from 2008-2011). All I have thought about since this post came out is Dizzywood. I invited my best friend (Zadia, if you know her), two of my other friends and, if it had stayed open any longer, I’m sure all of my friends would be online now.Honsetly, I miss dizzywood more than anything.

I had a group of friends on dizzywood, and our adventures inspired me to write a story about it. Sadly, I lost the file, but ever since, I have been writing and everyone says I have a real talent for it.So what if dizzywood isn’t as popular as club penguin and all of those other boring, rubbish sites that rake in thousands every single day? Dizzywood will always be the best in the entire world, and will always remain in my heart. My memories in Dizzywood, I used to be 6/7 years old when I joined Dizzywood, and I loved it.

But now I’m 9. I spent half of my life just adoring Dizzywood cause Dizzywood was the only inch of happiness I had.

It was how I met real friends, and how I experienced friendship. I love Dizzywood, it was my whole childhood.

I can never forget the times where I would rage everytime I accidentally made a typo and then get banned for it. Dizzywood, I thank you for being a part of my life. And for everything that you did for me. This was an awesome experience playing Dizzywood.-love and always,player Mati15. People who havent played want dizzywood back.

I know we all hope and pray for it to come back but wikipedia users CAN update wikipedia. It is nice to hope by dizzywood DID NOT announce they are coming back April 23. After weeks of research I found no signs of dizzywood coming back. Dizzywood has put up the scetch of two creatures, said they wish to bring back dizzywood in some shape or form but DID NOT say they were exactly going to come back.

Facebook users have posted many comments like “It is true that Dizzywood will re-open on, 23rd April, 2012like what they’ve said.we haven’t heard the last of Dizzywood we haven’t met Emperor Whithering!” But just because Dizzywood has said that doesn’t mean they are really going to bring it back. Dizzywood does not want old dizzywood users to be sad about dizzywood leaving.

But dizzywood is trying their best to bring something that involves dizzywood in some way. Some comments like “Heya, i really loved your website, im really sad for it when it left, no offence to secret builders, there great helping you but i loved dizzywood better, so when will you be coming back?

😀 ” is not very nice to secretbuilders. Now remember to play nicely folks, nobody likes a troll. Secretbuilders is a fun website and were nice enough to let dizzywood users have a exclusive limited time free membership. Dizzywood misses you alot! Dizzywood really hopes they can bring Dizzywood back! Secretbuilders is a fun and safe place for kids to play! So don’t be sad, Presto and friends will always remember you!.

Hey:3 oh gawd i hope we get a present this year and dizzywood comes bacl, i miss it, and my friends, sooo much! OwO I found some people on youtube(bunniiluvsyhuu99), and fantage(bunnii99) but its not the same without 2 of my closest friends, who i fear i’ll NEVEERR see again, they were so close. 181 comments. That’s a lot for a site that’s been closed for many months now. Stay strong Dizzywood fans! Even if the actual game doesn’t re-open, at least we can all still talk to each other on here.

I really hope it does, though! And who knows? Maybe it will. I think the concept art they put up gives us a lot of hope. After all, why would they still create art for a site that they’ve closed down? Look at millsberry, a similar site that closed down a while ago.

They don’t even have their domain (actual site address) anymore. Dizzywood still has their domain AND they post blog entries.Also, that wikipedia is kinda outdated, and anyone can edit it. It could be true, I guess. Hopefully dizzywood will clear this up soon.This turned out to be a long message. @LollyHeck yeah! Of course, we still love Dizzywood.;D–Anyways, you can tell I’m so curious about if Dizzywood is gonna open or not, because like I made 3 comments,so anyways,I have a little confusing answers, that YES Dizzywood will come back, and NO Dizzywood will not be back,But, thinking to myself. If Dizzywood, was not coming back, why did they create this post?

And,“Dizzywood will live on in different forms,” and, “And here’s something you will be seeing SOON”(see that? I capitalized soon, as in, that’s the word I’m focusing on,”“soon”, and that’s my investigation. I think, we’ll be seeing Dizzywood VERY soon. Hey im 11 yaers old that i descovered dizzy wood this month i saw lots of video uplodes so i love dizzy wood and im upsest with it. I started dreaming about it in my sleep i started praying about it and i even sing about it yeah i know kinda wierd but i love dizzywood pls bring it back from all my heart and for milions of people dizzy wood u can’t try to bring it back u must believe to bring it back lots of people are counting on u i started going on this website everyday hopping that it will came back. Dang, I can’t believe how much I grew ever since I played Dizzywood.

Before Dizzywood I was just this little nut that thought shortening words like “plz” and “thx” was awesome. (It still is.) But now I’m this grammar freak who roleplays (fantasy roleplays and stuff) on a forum. Thanks to Dizzywood.

My parents actually thought Dizzywood was bad for me but it made up like half of my life.–Anyway, I do hope it re-opens. If it does, I’ll literally be squealing more than I did when I got tickets to The Hunger Games. (Btw, did you guys watch that?)–Ever since Dizzywood closed I kept on dreaming about it. Especially my friends. I used to be a social outcast. But now I’m “popular” (not much, just because I’m first honor in Grade 4.)So, that was probably a lot, so maybe you could just skim through.

If dizzywood REALLY cared, they would at LEAST tell us that they would come back. They MIGHT come back, but they oviously dont care enough to at least tell us whats going on! Idk y they would do this! It’s so stupid!

They get ALL of us excited and let us wait months! I’VE LOST HOPE! ACTING LIKE U CAN LIVE WITHOUT THIS GAME!


THERES ALOT OF PEOPLE EVERYWHERE! SO FIND A NEW GAME AND LIKE IT!. Yo Dont know How Much Me, Dino, And Music aka Dinmont and Musiclover247 Miss this game! I Hope To God THis Website Comes Back!

I I Can Tell That You Guys want dw back as much as we do! I go to dizzywood.com everyday hoping it has reopened.! I know that wikipedia has people that edit things on there but many of the things wikipedia says is true so im praying this game aka the best game ever comes back. Btw I know Some of these people from these comments like pop678 and whutsuphon and lover remeber whutuphon i used to be your daughter or was it mom or sister i forgot but yeahh lol i miss the old days 🙁. I’M FORGETTING WHAT DW WAS LIKE!HELP!PLZ DW OWNERSWE TRY NOT TO FORGET YOUBUT IT’S HARD!IT’S BEEN OVER A YEARNOW, THERE ARE RUMORS IT IS OPENING AGAIN ON APRIL 23rdBUT I DON’T BELIEVE THE RUMORS!So, PLEASE, just open.You must care about usAs you opened Dizzywood, made sure it was safe, fun, and free for us to playBut then it shut!It taught me to type fasterI was on Dizzywood since a young age (including old Dizzywood)But now, my memories are fading!

Please just open!🙁 from famousfor fashion,Your biggest fan!. Brings back memoriesHi, you might know me, I was quite well-known on Dizzywood due to my year-long Gold Explorer membership. If you do, I have a sort of secret to share with youWell, if you knew me well and chatted to me, like Coookly, pringles101 or Sweetlucky or Ausra123 (plenty more) then you would be surprised to know I was 7 when you were my friend xD (please don’t judge. I’m alot older nowz;3)Dizzywood brought me into loving chatsitesI think I say for myself and everybody else that Dizzywood was our childhood!

Bring it back! I haven’t stopped thinking of Dizzywood. Sorry – I still haven’t stopped thinking of Dizzywood. Been on since the beginning, ’cause Club Penguin (which I think is reeeeally rubbish) got boring and went down hill when members thought they were better than everyone else.

But Dizzywood, despite the memberships, isn’t like that. It is fun and educational, a place where you can be creative and spontanious (sorry for possible typo) and you can be yourself!

Dizzywood isn’t the most modern website, nor is it the most traditional. It is the best website out there, and it always will be, if it comes back or not. I hope it will, because a) it is three days to the unconfirmed re-opening and b) I miss all my friends. Oh, and c) if an email is sent out to each player explaining about the re-opening, my old friends (who abbandoned the sight when I stopped playing for a while in 2009) will hopefully come back.

I don’t just miss my friends. I miss everyone who went on Dizzywood, everything on there, every possible thing related to it was good. We all miss you, Dizzywood, and, if you just reach out a hand, everyone will help you back on your feet.Zimmya XOXOXOXOXOX. It’s 22nd April today. No signs of Dizzywood coming back. Half of the people on this post have already eaten their words.

The rumour of Dizzywood coming back on Wikipedia is gone, since I just checked the last sentence of the closing paragraph and all it said was: “Dizzywood was supposed to close on 31st December 2010, but closed on 12th January 2011” or something like that. I’m not putting all of my hope into tomorrow, because even though my heart is telling me that it will, my brain tells me that Dizzies won’t be seeing eachother again. I may have a lack of faith but I miss Dizzywood soooo much. Please, please, just come back!

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If they dont come back then im just gonna die v.v DIFFERENT FORM OR SHAPE I WANT DW BACK :( IM TOO IMPATIENT AND I KNOW DW IS COMING BACK TOMORROW.Ourworlds update is tomorrow too and it probably is for dw and maybe their gonna have it open tomorrow wen they have their update thingy. So no one go against dw, if u love it that much they wouldnt have wanted to close it. So they mustve had some reason to close it in the first place. Atleast they said they were gonna try to bring it back. They even changed their home page. And how would they wouldnt care if they made up two new characters? I think their trying to get it back or their waiting till tomorrow but if it doesnt come dont say someone lied or they dont care.

Okay, guys Dizzywood on the Wiki page still has its ‘re-open’ thing, on the bottom, don’t worry. Recently the websites I’ve been going on have taken a bad turn. These forums I went on don’t allow me roleplaying, another site is VERY slow, and I tried ourWorld, in my opinion it’s no better than SecretBuilders or Club Penguin.Dizzywood was a bit of an obsession of mine. And I have changed over the years, so I want a chance to be with my friends again, and be less childish. In the real world, I blew this, and my best friend is gone.I know some of my friends have posted here.

I want to say I miss you all. I remember most of your names.If Dizzywood doesn’t come back, I want you to at least know that I’m alive. And I want Dizzywood back too. I’m hoping for tomorrow to surprise me, and to hear the welcoming sound effects of DW and see it right when I left it, like nothing had ever happened. I don’t want the old DW.

I want to continue like this nightmare never happened. Even if I don’t get what I wish, I’m so happy to see everyone againFrom the one and only,Writestretch.

Oh i hipe t will reopen again i brought my sister crazy by telling her about dizzywood i will fall of from a clif to get dizzywood back i just want dizzywood back please after i go to bed im gonna pray for dizzywood and pray for god it’s 4 hrs and 59 minutes minutes oh i have to wait alot for the news im gonna get hyper right here ugh!!! Pls dw came back if u don’t will keep writting here till it reopens even if it takes milion years XP lol!! Ive been watching alot of dw videos they just can’t get old people say chitchatcity is the best game ever it’s true but it’s the 2nd best game ever dw is the 1st best game ever oh tomorow is school i can’t wait till school is over so i could see the news fast wach closely oh real im hyper can’t stop XD. I miss dw so much!!!but you know when i when on wikipedia it sayd “Dizzywood is not coming back on April 23, 2012.” and it sayd ” Dizzywood said it will reopen in April 23, 2012.

But it was just a rumor.and i was like OMG dw is not coming back!!!and a few days ago i sent a letter to dizzywood saying to bring it back but they still haven’t replead. Now i am begining to think that dizzywood dosen’t care about bringing it back!!but if i am wrong plzz comment belowi really know you guys want dw backbut i think it will be back in octoberwell i really hope it will be back in october so fingers crossed 😀. I hate being normal too. Everyone in my class thinks I am a complete nerd because I can type fast and I know stuff about computers. I mean, sure, I’m gonna write “Windows 7 to Windows 8 upgrade” on my Xmas list, but that doesn’t make me a geek, right? Well, in Dizzywood, I was never a geek. I wasn’t the coolest, but I was one of the beta testers, and that’s not bad, is it?In Dizzywood, you can be you.

You can be whatever you want to be. All these people say “BRING DIZZYWOOD BACK!!!”, but you just don’t. Something is near, though, because like Scooter said: “You haven’t seen the last of Dizzywood.”. I think someone is going on there and is just tryin to start things up and tryin to look like dwIs rlly opening. If I find out it is someone. Their gonna get it.

And it’s gonna come out sometime.But everyone just needs to wait and get on here and look everyday if it’s open. Some peopleIn the world don’t get what respect and trust means and right now wikipedia is about to looseMy trust because I’m not gonna force myself to believe these lies/rumors. People do it for attentionAnd for drama. And alot of people say they didn’t like dw bc of the drama. Yes there was alot ofDrama.

But some people were role playing and do it alot on all websites. I myself even role play forThe fun of it and u guys would too. Everyone just please be patient and we WILL try to get to 500Comments to show dw we still love and care for dw. I love dw and I love u guys and I wouldn’t seeAnyone here get hurt because the info about dw is false.

And yes I believe their gonna open that picThey made just doesn’t mean they say it’s comin soon. It means they made it because they still careAbout dw and their fans. Rocket paper scissors is the awesomest web creators and u guys know that toBecause all of u who commented on this loves dw and they love u too. I rlly hope someday dw opensAnd it’ll be the best day ever.

Im sorry i can’t keep beliving it will came back if it would dw would tell use.Im tired of waiting it won’t came back thats what i think if u want to hate me i don’t care if i keep going like this at school i will end up 5 days no break bec im not doing my whole h.w bec of my destraction from dw i never was like this since i saw this game on youtube AN IDEA I JUST GOT(HOWE ABOUT U MACK ANOTHER WEBSITE AXECTLY LIKE DW BUT THE WEBSITE IS LIKE UMM IF U WANNA) I Will always. 285th comment! C’MON PEOPLE!

Let’s face it, the odds of Dizzywood coming back are hovering below fifty:fifty. If it doesn’t come back, we can picture this as amemory. 500 comments show all the 500 kinds of ways we show gratitude and respect towards Dizzywood.

Maybe this will change Rocket, Paper, Scissors’ (the company who make Dizzywood) minds. We need 500 comments! I even wrote a poem.F is for Friends who love Dizzywood together,U is for U know Dizzywood is truuuuuue,N is for no way do we hate it,Dizzywood — it’s loved by yooooooou!(To “The Fun Song”, origianally sang by Spongebob Squarepants)285, we need a 286!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I wish they would bring dizzywood back and secret builders is sooooo boring and i have no site to go on D: i started playing dizzywood when i was 6 now im 10 when i found out it closed in 2010my heart sank i couldnt beilive it now the only games i playr Free Realms – add me my name is Hayley Strongsong and guide is Shugo-Chara.Pixie Hollow – add me my name on there is May, D-name ShugoCharaRules.

Take my hand take me for what i am cause ill never change all my colors for your. Share my love ill never ask for too much just all that you are and everything that you do.

I dont really need to look very much far- ther. I dont wanna have to go where- you- dont- fol- low. I dont wanna pack again this passion inside cant run from myself theres no where to hide. Dont let me close. One more door i dont wanna hurt. Anymore stay in my arms if you dare or must i imagine you there dont walk away from me.

I have nothing- nothing- nothing. If i dont have you. You see through- right to the heart of me your break down my walls with the strength of your love mhm. Uh i never knew.


Love like ive known it- with you oo oo will the membory survive oo one i can hold on to i dont really need to look very much farther i dont wanna have to go where you dont follow i dont wanna pack again this passion inside ide. Cant run from myself theres no where to hide.- your love i remember forever er er dont make CLOSE. One more door. I dont wanna hurt. Anymore stay in my ARMS.

If you dare or must i imagine you there dont walk- away from me. Dont walk away from me. E dont you dare walk away from me. I have nothing!- nothing!- nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!

If i dont have you youuuuuuu you oo oo have you oh have you. I was so crushed when DW closed down! Haha i even cryed a little because i had so many friends, a membership. And i remember getting the tool where you can change your friends hair style and color! Im trying to remember how old i was, but im 15 now. And i dont care what people gotta say about my age. If dizzywood comes back, Im gunna play on it everyday like i used to.

I was lalachic25. I read all of the comments, and i remember ALOT of you! But what I, and what Alot of others want is the old dizzywood. If you bring it back, We don’t want anything new. Like that secretbuilders. (Btw i never played it because it was NOT dizzywood.

We Just want the same old dizzywood! I never got bored on dizzywood, it just had so much stuff to do! We want it back really bad!. Dizzywood,I miss you! I started playing Dizzywood when it opened and it was the best game ever.

I played it day and night every single day for years. I am sure if Dizzywood would have said they were closing and told people that they needed a certain amount of money to keep it going that dizzies would have donated to the cause! We should all keep commenting and make dizzywood come back!! If dizzywood disapears, we will all be depressed and all will be lost, so dw has to come back! All other virtual worlds are bad compared to dizzywood.

Dizzywood, COME BACK! Just come back online, post more news, keep us updated on whatever new thing is coming! PLEASE COME BACK DW! Yes, dw will open. But i believe it won’t be but a loooooooooong time.

Because they just edited this website about 3/2 months ago and said they were gonna try and get it back. Probably won’t be for a year or in december. It does take people time to work on a professional website. I know 100% sure they are going to open but give them time to think, plan, or make anything because they did delete the dw website and its characters/accounts.

Not saying this is true or right but this is from my perspective on things. Anyone remember those lovely hackers we used to laugh at?

(grlygrl5) and sadly. She was the one tht told me it was coming to an end ): i miss you dizzywood.

Im 12 now and its been a year or too, but its too hard to keep count of all the days ive tried to log on and i look at secret builders then turn me back. Its not the same without old friends, old loves, and old accounts that we worked so hard to build up. (kittyluvyhuu99 on smeet, bunnii99 on fantage, bunniiluvsyhuu99 on youtube (: add mee!). What do we want?

When do we want it? SOON OR, EVEN BETTER, NOW!We’re not far from 500 (so happy that everyone’s involved with my 500 comment idea:D). But a few minutes ago, something came to my mind. We’re making all this fuss, begging for Dizzywood to come back. Something is happening and, whether Dizzywood is coming back or not, the Dizzywood company is doing SOMETHING!

Let’s put our heads together and think of ideas to bring it back!1) I play a game called “The Sims 3” (you may of heard of it). You can basically make characters and live their lives, like Dizzywood, in a way. I’m going to make a family on it (you can make whole families) called the Dizzywood family, and add some of my friends from Dizzywood.Please post comments with ideas in number order (the next idea would be 2, the next 3, etc.).Thanks 🙂. My friend has a netbook and she has the same problem, but she just uses her Grandparents’ computer and the one her parents use downstairs.lol. I’m sure you can get a cheap laptop (if not netbook) with a hard drive (disk thingie). I just asked my parents for one at Xmas a few years ago.

You might as well ask them/any legal guardian for one, since Dizzywood might not even be open until next year. Hope it’s open tomorrow! Hey, and only 89 comments to go! We’re almost there — COME ON, PEOPLE!. You guys NEED to bring this website back!

I joined Dizzywood in 2008 and it was one of my favourite websites. Secret Builders isn’t half as good! I don’t mind if we have to make new accounts, I just miss it so much. I don’t want all my childhood games to disappear please Dizzywood staff, we all want Dizzywood back and I bet if you made a poll the people who have played Dizzywood for years would vote to bring it back.

There is so many things I loved about Dizzywood, for example, the owl who done a quiz, getting critters, the wheel, making friends, completing tasks – I could go on and on. If you read all these comments you’ll understand how many people enjoyed this game. Dizzywood is going to come back better than ever! If it doesn’t I don’t know what I’d do 🙁. December 2011.We lose all hope. We think realize dizzywood will never come back.January 2012.Dizzywood changed the look of their website.

We get excited.Moon pebble club is known. We get happy, but they don’t update it.Something old and something new post is made. We go dizzywood crazy. We comment and comment and comment.

We say dizzywood is coming back february. We say April.

We say more and more rumors. None of them are true. We realize if dizzywood was coming back, they would say it them selfs People make more rumors. No one buys it.

We try to make 500 comments. It is very sweet but They are maling something new. People wonder what the characters are. It looks like trolls. It also says over comments “remember folks, nobody likes a troll.” So I think it is a troll.

We all walk different paths to ourworld fantage secretbuilders panfu chimpoo free realms downworld and many more. Dizzywood gets money by the ads on the website. Those companies pay dizzywood to put up those ads. So they are getting money. Anyways I just hope this sort of opens your eyes.

But this is not saying all of this is true. The ads thing is true but still. The troll thing might not be true. Please come back! You were my FAVORITE site to play on everyday. I used to go straight on this site after school. I loved the adventures, hair styling, and the games!

I miss Dizzywood, all the sites I go on now are boring and lame compared to this one. Even though I wasn’t a member, I still had tons of fun. Please come back, For us? We don’t like waiting for you to come back, we need to know if for sure your coming back.

You were my early childhood Dizzywood! 😀P.S.: If you truly do come back, can you make it how it was before? That would be lovely ^.^. All the other virtual worlds made me gag, the avatars were all so ugly I only found one where they look nice, but the people are idiots. In fact, I’ll rant about how idiotic the people on woozworld are.It’s a freaking cycle. The people who waste IRL money on woozworld are the rich ones, they call new people poor all the time. Sure, the avatars are nice, but sometimes Woozworld fashion goes downhill.

They don’t care, as long as it’s in fashion and able to laugh at new kids, cailling them poor and stuff.Woozworld also has strip and sex clubs.- I hate that website.Dizzywood, this isn’t where I belong! Take us all back!!!!. Dizzywood,If i love DW and us the citizins i would bring dw back but it seems we r wasting are lives commenting to show u that we care love and trust u DW if u think ure gonna mack a favore for everyone by shutting dw down u r macking the biggest mistake in ure life!

Can’t u see the comments im thinking u r not even seing our comments and u forgot about dw but letting like a milion people ignored if u think there isn’tr a way to bring dw back well theres always away but u need to find it.No one gave up on u dw no one not even a singel person from milion people around the world they still. Ok really, everyone thought 500 would work but it hasnt, it really sucks, it does but now 1000 it never told us that we had to get to 500, when did anyone hear about 500 or 1000 its just sad but i am loosing hope!!

It is really sad, i litterally had a freak attack when i went on hoping it was on and it wasn’t, it is really sad but if it does come back they have to get it all made and that takes a long time. So if it really is coming back it could b a long time like when it said it would close on December 31, but it closed in January. So we should all look closely at the photos and try to c if there is a clue. I think it is in October, because trolls are supposed to b scary, which refers to Halloween, also the scarecrow.!. D: Oh, Dizzywood. I miss you so much. I’m only hanging on to a tiny piece of hopeafter that, it’s all done.

):You know, I just remembered thisa few weeks ago I had an AWESOME dream that dw was back up, and me & my brothers were all scrambling to get on the computer. 😀 I never got to get on the compter in my dream but I remember watching my brothers on their accounts. I was so sad when I found out it was a dreamGAH. Dizzywood, Y U NO UPDATE YOUR WEBSITE?!

It’s been over five months! PLease let us know something, anything.

And now for something new. Wait, something new? But Dizzywood isn’t online anymore. That’s true, but Dizzywood will live on in a few different forms. And here’s a sneak peek at something you’ll be seeing soon.Whene DizzyWood said that well in the last sentenz he said And here’s a sneak peek at something you’ll be seeing soon. He Said Seing Soon That means phew days,weeks,months it will come back perheps and the one who comented on dw it was not dw bec dw wouldn’t write like that and dw would say it like this Dizzywood not dw if someone said dw that means it is a teen or kid perheps. Do you kids know how looong it would take for dizzywood to re-open if they had to?

I should tell you that it would take months or even years. They have to hire staff, build the world, Spend Thousands of Bucks to do all this editing and hiring and programing. Its not done in a day or a couple of weeks.

Don’t give up hope, That’s just Unrealistic. If you had to create something like dizzywood yourself and hire and program you KNOW it would take a pretty long time And alot of money.It’s obvious dizzywood closed down because of money issues. YOU people need to be understanding.

When or (IF) Dizzywood Will open, Its gunna take a while, So stay patient! Don’t log on to this Blog Everyday to see any updates, If you look at this site maybe once a week to check Otherwise You are gunna get sick. Quit Stressing out!!The creators of DW are probably looking into bringing it back, Maybe They are getting Things ready now. We will find out sooner or later if we stop acting so obsessed. You’re right, it was confirmed by a Dizzywood staff member that they were having money issues. I asked one of them (I forget who now) and took a screenshot, although I don’t have it anymore. 😛But, there’s something that doesn’t make sense.

Why would they bring it back if they ran out of money? Dizzywood was a business, and they weren’t profiting from it.

So, they had to shut it down. It wouldn’t make sense to bring it back, unless they somehow got more money. Even then, they might not want to risk it on a virtual world again.Anyway, there’s always hope that they might bring it back. I kinda doubt that they’d bring the actual game back, though. Like they said, Dizzywood might live again in different ways. Maybe a forum?

A site just for talking with old DW players, but not the actual virtual world? Whatever it is, I hope we hear some news soon. It’s: ” Dizzywood wasn’t a business. Rocket Paper Scissors was a business, who doesn’t only do Dizzywood and probably got money from some of their OTHER projects. ”Fixed it for you.

Everyone makes spelling mistakes. But, your whole comment has bad grammar and spelling. So, don’t correct me if you can’t fix your own comment.And, no. Rocket Paper Scissors was not a business. They were the company who founded Dizzywood.

DW was their business, as they created it to gain profit from advertising and membership. You can’t claim that they had other projects. They definitely didn’t have any other virtual words, and it seems like Dizzywood was their only investment. From what I know, they were a small team that wouldn’t have the money or time to make a bunch of different projects. Companies like Sony are huge, and they own a ton of different things. But, Rocket Paper Scissors are very small compared to them. Perhaps the same people work in different companies (like the one that owns Secretbuilders), but it’s not the same Rocket Paper Scissors you know.

I never had a chance to mack an acount i feel sad!! Right now im using my sisters laptop bec i passed my grade 6 exams excapet maths i hate that subject and im not good at it but still she is gonna give me a laptop 😀 big probably every time i go on this website i regrate myself bec what r we gonna do it has been closed for years at dizzy wood stopped commenting use or putting news!!! Some of the website that were closed the wqebsite was removed not the page so that means it is closed forever but dizzywood wel;l like unhopefully hopeful said ” it might come back. Why else would they keep this running?”. Ok i will never Quit when my mother finds me a laptop i might just keep commenting here all day long and i will never stop or loos hope i belive it will came again if u do to do not stop reading this if u do it means you have no hope at all if u want dw back do not say u lost hope right now im on my bed on my siis laptop and her sick dog next to me and im trieng to mack him feel happy but i keep hearing him being sad than ushall and it is midnight and im here with her dog bec i love him too her u have relised i am an animal lover. Any1 remember Bellapup?:3 — Me. Yall call my bells.

I cant even remember canal city no more. I want a love I can see. (Ah-Pow-Pow)That’s the only kind that means a thing to me. (Ah-Pow-Pow)Don’t want a love you have to tell me about.

(Ah-Pow-Pow)That kind of loving I can sure do without. (I can sure do without)Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahI want a love I can feel.

(Doo-Doo)That’s the only kind of loving I think it’s real. (Doo-Doo)Don’t want to be quoted by something I heard now. (Doo-Doo)‘Cause baby action speaks louder than words.

(Ah, louder than words)Lyrics fromYeah, yeah, yeahI want a love that’s mine. (I want a love, that’s mine)In the rain or in sun, sun, sunshine. (I want a love, that’s mine)A love to keep warm when it’s cold. (I want a love, that’s mine)The kind of love that will never grow old. (Never grow old)Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh-uh-huh(Don’t you know I want a love)(Why don’t you know I want a love)(Why don’t you know I want a love)Yeah, yeah, yeahWant a love I can see. (I wanna love I can see)The kind of love you can give to me. (Give to me)The kind of kisses to make, make me melt.

(Ooo, make me melt)The kind of love that can really be felt, now. (Really be felt)Yeah, yeah, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby IYeah, I want her love now.The kind of love that can be felt.Uh-huh. YeahYeah, yeah, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby IYeahNo I, I, I, I I wanna love her.The kind of love you can give to me.

(Give to me)The kind of kisses to make, make me melt. (Ooo, make me melt)The kind of love that can really be felt, now. (Really be felt)Yeah, yeah, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby IYeah, I want her love now.The kind of love that can be felt.Uh-huh. YeahYeah, yeah, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby IYeahNo I, I, I, I I wanna love her.Uh-huh. Hey I have one question to ask all of the dizzywood staffWhy did you shut it down in the first place i mean if you wanted you could have created a new dizzywood but make it look the same it might take some time but all the people that were on it would be happy right?I started dizzywood in 4th grade and im moving onto 7th grade its been so long please bring it back i mean once you make a few millions kids happy you can make anyone happy right?

I miss all of you guys on dizzywood all of my closest friends. And so much more BTW I hope you remember me its majikgirl lil meg!1!!!!Missing you guys so much!!!!!!!!.

Quest Cheats.Please stop asking me how to do quests because chances are im not going to answer, I dont have the time to put anymore quests up besides the 3 and I have done them all already so I can’t do them again. Sorry. Quest 1: “Wisdom and Courage”1. Talk to merlin and accept everything he says. 2.Enter the haunted vally, Then enter the Haunted mansion, click on the mirror.3. Talk to Shakespeare, Enter the weird brew, now enter the cider cellar.

When you try and enter the cidar cellar a message will pop up saying what is a witches best subject at school? The answer is “Spelling”4. Go to the 1st, then 2nd, then 3rd door. In door 1 you will talk to someone and a item will be added to your inventory. In door 2 a question will pop up, the answer is “As black as a tar barrel” Then a item will be added to your inventory. In door 3 a question will pop up, The answer is “The time has come to talk of many things” then a item will be added to your inventory.5. Take the notebook back to Shakespeare at the haunted valley, Talk with him.

Now enter the Haunted Mansion, now click on the mirror and talk with merlin.6. Congratulations you have completed quest 1. Quest 2: “The Tum Tum Quest”1. When you first start the quest accept everything they say. Click on start quest or you can keep reading the ledgand.

Now talk to Merlin, Pick up the map from the ground.2. Now go to the enchanted woods and enter the Tea House, accept everything he says. Pick up the pink bottle from the ground.3. Now go back to the enchanted woods and click on the mole on the left bottom side. Now open your inventory and drint the Right Posion (The pink bottle).4. Click on the moles home after you have drank the posion, talked to him and he has left.5. Explore the moles home and pick up anything valuable on the ground.6.

When you find your way out, talk to Merlin and follow the cat and the bird, don’t forget to pick up the worms. Explore the forest.7. When your get to a certain area where the cat is hiding its mouth will pop up (click on the mouth) then its hole body will appear, then a messgae from alice will pop up, talk to her.8.

Open your inventory and doubble click on one of the tarts you got from the underground maze.9. Now go down, then left, now click on the bird. Doubble click on another tart from your inventory. Keep pressing more when the message comes up.10. Go to your inventory and double click on the can of worms, then the bird will go down and eat them.

Talk to the tree, and when the question comes up, the answer is ” All of the above”11. Congratulations you have now completed quest 2. Cordelia questThanks JeszuzSorry I haven’t posted anymore quest walkthroughs in a while.

If anyone wants to help by giving me some quest walkthroughs i’ll give you full credit. Teemo January 7, 2010 at 11:10 pmThese quests are easy! The really hard one is the one where you have to go to nemos dive and find mobby dicks kid!!! I have all three keys but now i do not know what to do! PLZ ANSWER ME!!!I will help anyone with any quest until the nemo dive one!My builder is travisfike, named after the artist, if any wants help! Oh and tell me where you got my name from so that i can tell where you got this from!

Oh the rope is on one of the vines. Click the ones even connected to the vines! Then you will go back and use the flute (and you do have to wait for him to go to sleep) and use the rope. Hope you finish!! The codes are leagues and journey to the center of the earth if you need the codes and i hope you do.

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