Farm Frenzy 3 Madagascar Level 86

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GeneralThis Farm Frenzy version is similar to Farm Frenzy 3: American Pie in layout and goals.Pause, Restart, and Game play Time: Clicking on the sled, the helicopter, or the goals will not affect your completion time. These will also stop the current game play, so you do not have to worry about accidents happening while you are looking through the warehouse, or the items available to buy on the helicopter.You can click on the 'Menu' button in the lower left at any time to pause the game; this will also not affect the game play time. This will bring up a list of several options, including Continue, Map, Main Menu, and Restart Level. Do not worry; if you click on the wrong one, a confirmation screen will follow.I have noticed, however, that in all of the Farm Frenzy games, just as you are about to finish the level, the timer appears to add 1 second before the screen changes to show how many stars, etc., you have earned.

This walkthrough takes the extra second into account, and the times indicated to get gold are the times shown on the completion screen.Factory Upgrades: In this game, like American Pie, you will need to upgrade your factories to be able to start almost every level. You can go back and repeat levels to get more stars.During game play, you can upgrade the factories even while they are making product. This is sometimes crucial and can save you a second or two that you need to make gold. Upgrading the factories makes them produce at a faster rate. Even though you may only have enough raw products to produce two items, upgrading the factory to be able to produce 3, 4, or 5 of the item will improve the production time of the two items.When I indicate upgrading the factories in the walkthrough, upgrade them regardless of whether they are currently producing or how many of the item you are producing.

The upgrades improve time.Note: You can also click on the factories while they are producing to make them go faster. A bar will appear showing the green production rate, and a smaller bar that goes from light orange to red, based on your rate of clicking. If the red bar gets near the last bar before the top, and the factory itself is starting to turn red, it is almost maxed out, and only about 2 clicks from exploding.

You do not want them to explode, so if they get to this level, just stop clicking on them for awhile, and the red bar will go back down. If they explode, you lose the product you were making, and have to buy the exploded factory all over from the beginning.The screenshot below shows the orange/red and green bars:Upgrades for warehouse, sled, cat, dog, helicopter, and well: In Ice Age, you will have a sled instead of a sled to carry your wares to market. I like to get the cage upgraded as quickly as possible, because on some of the levels, you may need the bears before the dogs get to them. I personally don’t like to upgrade the dog right away, because in this version, the dogs don’t get stronger, there are more of them, and they don’t cage the bears for you, they destroy them. I also like to get the warehouse, sled, helicopter and cat upgraded quickly.

The well upgrades can wait until the later levels where you will need more fish.Map and Level Order: The map in this version can be very confusing at first, unless you have already played the American Pie version. Golden axe throwing. At many of the intersections, upgrades will allow you to go to levels not in any specific order.

For the purposes of this walkthrough, and so you can find the level you may need help with easily, I’ve written this with the levels in numerical order. You don’t have to follow the levels in order through the game to be able to complete it; you can go any direction at the intersections, provided you have the needed upgrades.Mammoths, Hay, and Animals: This game introduces the mammoths, which eat hay, rather than fish. At any time you have mammoths and animals, be sure to have hay for the mammoths, and don’t forget to scatter fish for the animals. You buy the hay from the store on the helicopter.

When it arrives, it will be placed randomly on the farm area. You cannot pick up the hay. The mammoths will go to the hay when they need it. The bears, however, can delete the hay if they run over it or land on it, so try to capture bears before they get your hay.

If they do get the hay, be sure to replace it as quickly as possible.Selling Products: Whenever you send the sled to sell your products, you want to look to see how much money you will need, and secondly, how full is your warehouse. My own 'rule of thumb' is to send the products in descending order by how much they are worth. For example, cakes are worth $200 each, and cookies are worth $100 each, so I would sell the cakes first.

Then sell the bears 1 at a time with each sled load. In general, keep the sled going back and forth with as full a load as possible for the maximum profit, while still getting the bears out of the warehouse.Technique for Scattering the Fish: When scattering the fish, be sure to place the fish low on the screen, right on top of the warehouse and to the right of the farm area. This will keep your animals away from the bears, for the most part. The bears usually come down near the top and left of the farm area.The screenshot below shows optimum fish placement. The first bear has landed to the top left. You can see the shadow of the second bear that will fall in the middle.

Although the penguin has wandered near the top of the screen, it will normally move to the right or will go back towards the fish. Get the bears that are closest to your animals first.If I have not specified scattering fish in the instructions, be sure to scatter fish as needed to keep your animals alive. Fit scattering the fish in as you are comfortable with the 'Farm Frenzy rhythm' for each level.

For each level that needs animals purchased right away, I’ve found it easiest to buy the animals first, and then scatter fish. The extra few seconds may be the difference between silver and gold on some levels.Starting a Level Over for Gold: Whenever a bear tosses an animal, simply restart the level. There are very few levels that you can achieve gold if an animal is missing, or you have to buy again. Even if there are no money goals, this can slow your production by a few seconds on some levels. There are some levels where gold is not affected by a few animals being tossed. I have indicated this in the walkthrough for those levels.I’ve found it very helpful when I start a level to take a good first look at everything I have, don’t have, and can purchase.

Sometimes you can purchase items and do not have to buy the animals to make them. Then figure out your strategy for the level, and simply start over.Getting Gold: Some levels have little to no time for error to get gold. On these levels, it is good to have a plan of what you are going to do before you start them.

On these levels, and any others to get better time, you can start buying the animals, or clicking on the sled as soon as it has landed, or begin upgrading as soon as the sled, warehouse, and helicopter have landed; as soon as you click on start, as the buildings are falling to start the level.There are also several levels where it is obviously easier to get gold when you have all of the building upgrades. This walkthrough is based on how to get the gold rankings without having to get all of the building upgrades first.On some levels, you can make better time by having more animals than you have factory upgrades. There is sometimes a delay with the animals producing, and you may have to wait for the animals to produce for a short time while the factory is not running. On some levels, you need the factories producing at maximum speed.

Therefore, you need enough animals producing enough products to keep the factories going. My own 'rule of thumb' is to have one more animal than the factories’ production quantities.

For example, if your Egg Powder plant produces 2 powdered eggs at a time, then you will want to have 3 penguins.Endless Mode: This will be unlocked when you complete Level 45 in the Career Mode. In the Endless Mode, it is simply patience and getting the goals as quickly as possible that will get you through it. There will be more goals as you achieve the goals shown. You need stars and money to buy the buildings.

You earn stars by achieving the goals and money by selling your wares as usual. You can click on the goals in the lower right of the screen to bring up a list of the current goals and how many stars you will achieve for them.The following walkthrough is how I have personally achieved the gold ranks, goals and awards. In no way am I implying that this is the only way or best way to get the goals and awards.II.

AwardsAwards that you will achieve simply by playing the game long enough:1. For collecting every award.2. For purchasing 10 mammoths.3. For selling 100 bears.4. For purchasing every upgrade.5. For collecting 300 products.6. For completing every level.7.

For having 50 animals on your farm (see Level 9).8. For purchasing every upgrade in Endless Mode.9. For earning the gold rank on every level.10. For saving one million stars in Endless Mode.11.

For purchasing the Christmas tree.12. For allowing bears to throw out 30 animals.13. For selling 50 dressed bears.14.

For saving one million coins in Endless Mode.Awards that will require some skill or patience, or both:15. For playing with patience: Play any level for 45:00. See Level 60.16. For completing a bear-infested level without clicking a single bear. See Level 64.17. For completing a level without clicking any products or predators.

Level 51 is great for this; you can even still get gold at about 6:00 – 6:15. Instructions are included in the walkthrough.18. For completing a level in record time: This should be easily achieved by playing any of the first few levels using this walkthrough, provided it is your first time playing the game, and/or others have not played with different characters on the same game.19. For completing 25 levels in record time: This should be achievable by about Level 50 or earlier, using this walkthrough, provided it is your first time playing the game, and/or others have not played with different characters on the same game.20. For completing a level without using any tips. Level 6 is good for this.

Go back to it after you have gold, and play clicking very carefully. Be sure the well is full or has at least 3 units of fish in it at any time, in case you accidentally click over or beside a bear.Levels 1 – 5 will not allow you to get this award.21. For allowing bears to destroy 3 buildings.


Level 59 is great for this award. If you do not have this award by the time you finish Level 59, just start Level 59. The entire level does not have to be completed to get this award.

At each minute, 5 bears will attack. Just let them wander around. When one is directly in front of a building, cage it. Cage another 2 bears directly in front of 2 more buildings, and then you will have this award.

If the first set of bears does not destroy all 3 buildings, try again with the second set of bears at 2:00.22. For saving one million coins. In this version, coins are assessed as double the coins saved in one level, rather than accumulated throughout game play. You should be able to get this award while playing Level 60 either for gold or for patience.III.

Thanks for joining us at the Farm Frenzy 3 Walkthrough. Here you will find everything you need to play this exciting time management game.

We've made sure to include plenty of detailed instructions that will help you win the Presidency Farmer’s Union. We hope you enjoy our Farm Frenzy 3 Walkthrough.Opening Story: In Farm Frenzy 3, help Maria obtain votes for the Presidency Farmer’s Union as you play this version of Farm Frenzy.

Maria can travel to different countries and help farmers in need. The farmers will vote for Maria to obtain the Presidency of the Farmer’s Union after she helps them rebuild their farms.General Tips for Playing Farm Frenzy 3You can replay a level after playing it once. Once you receive gold time on a level it will stay gold even if you replay the level and don’t make gold time. Therefore you may want to replay some levels to receive additional stars to purchase items in the shop or to receive the diligent trophy or the not touching any products trophy. In previous farm frenzy games you received the time you played last on that level.You can sell animals before they land by selecting the warehouse/truck before it lands.Bears, jaguars and lions will toss any items they touch when they land.When money isn’t tight and time is crucial, it’s sometimes beneficial to purchase additional items from the plane in case a bear, jaguar or lion touches the item or it is missed when the item is dropped.You can expedite factory production by fast clicking on the factory.

A thin red line will appear to the left or the right of the buildings completion meter. When the thin red line reaches the top of the meter, the building will explode.When a dog interacts with a dangerous animal in this game, the dog disappears along with the dangerous animal.Purchasing items from the shop allows the item or upgrade to be available on each proceeding level. Sometimes you’ll have to purchase the item or upgrade on each level.It’s strongly recommended to purchase the cage upgrades first. Then the truck and warehouse.Study each level before proceeding. Check the goals, the amount of time to complete the level, the buildings that are available, the amount of money given, the amount of animals given and what products are available from the helicopter.When a level has an “X” on it; it means a building or building upgrade needs to be purchased before the level can be played or unlocked.Collect products soon after they appear, if you wait too long, they will disappear.

Make sure there is enough room in the warehouse to collect the products.Completing a level in gold time gives you the maximum amount of stars.ABOUT THE WALKTHROUGH- The steps in the walkthrough are for completing each level in gold time. The steps have been tried several times and gold time was received on the levels. GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN!