Hiveswap Dammek

You searched for: dammek! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. No matter what you’re looking for or where you are in the world, our global marketplace of sellers can help you find unique and affordable options. Let’s get started! The morning started quietly, with only the chirping of the birds outside and the quiet mumer of the TV interrupted the silence. Three sleeping figures lay on the living room floor scattered food and bottles surrounded the group as they cuddle into the pile of blankets and pillows the three had accumulated the night before.

Views: An unofficial subreddit for Homestuck, Homestuck 2, Hiveswap and other Andrew Hussie works.New to? Sequel also available:New to?Please keep spoilers out of the title when you post.

See our for details.Particularly low quality content should go in.We strongly recommend against using the new Reddit design while browsing this subreddit. Try.Upcoming Events Start DateEvent2020?HIVESWAP: Act 2????HIVESWAP: Act 3????HIVESWAP: Act 4????HauntswitchOur community resources.MSPA media and merchandise.Homestuck resources and links. Hiveswap is about a girl named Joey Claire and her brother, Jude Harley. Through a strange machine, she switches places with a troll, Dammek, and finds herself on Alternia. Along with Dammek's friend, Xefros, she joins a group of troll rebels to prevent the activation of a doomsday weapon that threatens both of their worlds. SomeThis game has been in development for quite a long time, but we've finally got a release date! There have been many tidbits of information released about the game over the past few years, so I thought I'd try to organize the stuff we know, in case you're new or need a refresher.

I also like seeing everyone's reactions and theories to the news as it came out, but I don't know, maybe that's just me. Let me know if I missed anything important.(Dates link to the subreddit's discussion threads).September 4, 2012: The Kickstarter is launched for a Homestuck Adventure Game. The funding goal is met within a couple days, and it finishes a month later with $2.48 million raised, including two $10,000 pledges for canon fantrolls.We get our first look at (or Flashlight Girl) and learn some other details, namely that the game wouldn't involve Sburb, was a new story, and would include trolls.The second update. There's some Alternia, a fire-breathing First Guardian-esque axolotl lusus (?) and 'Antler Troll' (or Strideer). The Odd Gentlemen is announced as the developer.July 23, 2014: Andrew Hussie's for The Midas Flesh is released. HMMM.A lot of new stuff.

We learn Joey's name, and we get a look at her manor, the cherub machine, some Alternian environments, and a new troll. The title is finally revealed to be Hiveswap.

The game will be a prequel of sorts, set on B1 Earth and A2 Alternia before Sburb, and follow Joey as she switches places with a troll on Alternia. Development has transferred to What Pumpkin. The game will be released in four episodes, with plans for a possible second game about the troll stuck on Earth. (Image links are broken on the main site, so the update.).More art, including Joey and her troll friend with deer and sloth lusii.

We also get a first look at the 3D environments, along with Joey's brother in his treehouse. A website,, has been launched ( is what it looked like at the time). The blurb states that Joey joins a band of scrappy troll rebels and embarks on an epic journey to save the world and find a way home.

The Earth portion of the game is said to take place in the 90's, and will also include some background about Skaianet and the guardians. Alternia is set decades or centuries before Karkat's time, but after the adults were banished from the planet. The release date is set for Spring 2015. And finally, we get a of the Heiress. Hussie does not spoil who the 1st best at memes is.Everyone wonders what the names 'Jude' and 'Prongle' refer to. Since other link is broken.An Italian video is released, containing information that is backed up by later articles.Joey's last name is Claire, the year is 1994, there's some stuff about her SNES, and the player's choices will result in branching paths in the story.

The release date is still listed as Spring 2015. A lot of articles are coming out around this time.Jude is the name of Joey's brother. Joey fights with her flashlight, and also uses ballet and tap skills. Jude helps her with a walkie-talkie and his carrier pigeons.

You can communicate with other trolls using Troll Twitter.We find out Xefros' name. Along with Joey, Jude, and Xefros, there will be 2 other playable characters.

The game has 100+ NPCs along with Prongle (Twitter) and Scythian (Amazon). (Old fact sheet is, new fact sheet doesn't mention Prongle/Scythian. Those features might've been removed?).Some asset reels were released, with 3D models of the MCs, new creepy green-mouthed monsters, several troll NPCs, and some concept art with blurry hints of Grandpa Harley and his wife. (Watch again because the music is great.) The two canon fantrolls are also pictured. Apparently, 250 extra Zodiac signs have been created.New names: Jude Harley and Xefros Tritoh.

Jude's last name surprises people because it's different from Joey's and confirms a relationship with Jade and Grandpa. Tritoh is probably a reference to a three-toed sloth, Xefros' lusus. The release date now says Mid-2015.A gameplay preview with two parts; the second video is Joey and Jude's dog is named Tesseract, and their town is called Hauntswitch. (I believe this was later said to be the name of the possible second game. So Xefros' town might be called Hiveswap?) Jude is conspiracy-obsessed, concerned about the neighboring mansion and watching out for strange hooded figures.

There are two cutscenes, one where monsters attack the home and another where Joey discovers the cherub machine that transports her to Alternia. There's an 11-day countdown on the other side. A is included where we finally find out that Antler Troll is named Dammek. His last name is still unknown. There are two new trolls: Cridea Jeevik (first best at memes?) and Fiamet (avatar is Dr. Shrunk, an axolotl from Animal Crossing). They could perhaps be the 2 other playable characters.

Since Cridea is 8 sweeps, the other characters might also be around 17 years old. Are possible name origins for the trolls. Someone points out that their names could correspond to the four elements.A new teaser trailer for Hiveswap is released, with some improved footage from the previous video.Joey wants to be a vet, and she likes dance and solving puzzles. Xefros' interests include telekinesis, butling (being a butler), and the Troll sport of ‘Arena Stickball.’ (Later art shows this is somewhat different from table stickball.) The new release date is Q2 2015.

A non-broken link.The Heiress gets more of a spotlight, as she decrees that everyone must laugh at her jokes or suffer the consequences.The Heiress gets a 3D model and a name: Trizza Tethis.Around this time was ipgd's news about the controversy with The Odd Gentlemen, but I don't want to get into that here.Hussie announces that What Pumpkin will restructure to focus only on game development. The office in NYC will also move somewhere else. The release date is delayed, but the extra time will help the game.There's a new screenshot with nicer-looking graphics and an updated interface.The last few months were used to transition Hiveswap from 3D to 2D, which will make production much more cost- and time-efficient. Hussie promises that the game's story and writing has benefited from all the delays. It's too bad that the 3D assets won't be used, but from the concept art we've seen, the 2D backgrounds will look amazing. More art is released, including Xefros/Dammek's band, young Nanna/Grandpa, mysterious hooded figures, Trizza memes, and finally a young Mom Lalonde with Joey and Jude.


After the months with no updates and worrying signs, most people are relieved with the news and think the 2D look is an improvement.After almost a year with very little updates (I think, I wasn't paying too much attention during this time), edits a years-old newspost to say that the game will be released January 2017. No one has any idea if it's legit. A What Pumpkin employee seemed to confirm the news but later deleted their post.Hype thread.The 2D trailer is revealed, with a confirmed release date of January 2017.

There are a couple new on the website. Joey's mom is named A. Fiamet (avatar is Dr. Shrunk, an axolotl from Animal Crossing)a fire-breathing First Guardian-esque axolotl lusus (?)Clearly, that's his lusus, if it isn't I'd be very surprised, and the guess that the other him and the possibly first best at memes are the other two playables makes sense, as it is four acts, and Dammek and Jude were going to be the main characters in Hauntswitch, so they wouldn't be part of the first four playable, but the next four, so perhaps there are going to be two other playable humans to parallel the two trolls in Hauntswitch? Maybe the game on Earth will help wrap up some of Homestuck's loose ends, or tell us about Classpects?.

It has been over 4 years (4 years, 1 month & 27 days) since this was announced. This is ridiculous. They probably won't release it in January, judging by all the past delays, and when I did the math, they would barely (or might not even have) have enough money to make the sequel.

And even if they do have enough money to get Hauntswitch made, will they have enough money to make any further games? If they do another Kickstarter for a new What pumpkin game, it'll probably fail because people'll most likely not trust them anymore.

And I'm not hating on What Pumpkin, but they will have to earn our trust back if they want another Kickstarter to succeed. (And they may have to do another Kickstarter just to get Hauntswitch funded, but if it fails, they have no one to blame but themselves and The Odd Gentlemen) But they had good intentions going into it, and they were not updating for a reason, and I respect that, but a few updates would have been nice, but hey, who am I to wish for thing past) All respect to What Pumpkin, again I am NOT bashing them, but they should have been more transparent with the game's development.


For example, DON'T ENCOURAGE HIM involves Bubsy and the dog treats. A full run-through of the game doesn't take very long, so try giving them all your best shot before you come back for help.(Formatting blatantly ripped from inspired by this ).

DON'T ENCOURAGE HIMGive the Bubsy poster by Joey's TV some dog treats.HOPE SPRINGS ETERNALUse the ballet shoes on the slinky up near the attic.NO. THEY'RE YOURS NOWTry putting the E batteries back in Pa's universal remote. BOROSThere is no known way to legitimately unlock this achievement as of now. Indiana jones full movies online. It is very likely that there'll be a matching achievement called OURO, either in Act 4 of Hiveswap or at some point in Hauntswitch. Bottom line, don't think too hard about it for now.The exact conditions required to unlock some achievements are still being tested, and aren't set in stone yet!

Some people are claiming that THEY'RE STUFFED, ACTIVITY RECORDED, and JUNIOR VETERINARIAN are bugged, but I'm not sure if it's that or just if they hadn't done exactly the right things to get them. If anything changes, I'll be sure to update this guide as soon as I know. @Bambosh Confession: I didn't really care for the game and was just going through the motions with a walkthrough reading as little in-game text as possible. I remember seeing a unique popup box with the word ZOOSMELL and I clicked. And it went away. Same thing happened again later I think in the yard right before the very end. I don't remember what the default name in the second box was.

I didn't know (or care) that I was supposed to be naming something. That's all I remember, sorry. Thank you for your guide, btw.

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