House Of The Dying Sun Game

House of the Dying Sun is a tactical space shooter that puts you in the cockpit of the universe's most terrifying starfighter. Hunt the enemies of the Empire. House of the Dying Sun is an extremely confident game. Starting with that title, which sounds like the defiant endpoint of an enormous sci-fi saga, it’s a game that aims big. There’s no crude exposition dump to explain the situation that kicks off the campaign, just an Undertaker style gong ringing out as a few stark sentences summarise the fall of your House.

Posted: 17 AprilI like this game.But I have 2 main gripes.1. It plays like a 'space fighter' game.But I just cant get around the 'vessel' your in. As well as looking more like your sitting in a cockpit strapped to the back-end of a ship the size of a frigate. With the 'hood' (for want of a better word) stretching away, what looks like 200 feet in front of you.The design of it is just odd, and feels wrong.2. The asteroids.I know that the dev/s of HOTDS have gone for a low poly, no texture aesthetic.And for ALL of the rest of the models / meshes this looks fine. For the most part because the ships, stations etc, have other details that distract from the boring 'plainness.' But it just does not work on the asteroids.

They just look like the a 'Blender native.' In other words, just huge (and they really are huge in VR.) Bland, chunks of. Just 3d multi-sided boxes.And seeing as they are all over the place, you cant not be constantly reminded that they (like the ship design.) 'just look wrong.Even a basic 'mine craft' type texture would have been a complete game changer.And its such a shame, as other than these tow immersion breaking points, its a pretty decent game.And as there is no 'neutral option.

I would lean towards a none vote.However. If your looking for a VR space game, I would however recommend a game that does not get the love, or kudos I believe it deserves. Posted: 20 AprilLovely arcade space combat sim with a strategic twist. Loads of fun to play:As 'The Dragon', you take possession of the bodies of fighter pilots in the now deceased Emperor's armada. It's your duty to your fallen leader to quell the rebel uprising and assassinate the false king that's now taken control of the homeworld.When you die, if there's another fighter available, you'll take it over and continue the fight.

As you earn kills you'll be reinforced for fighters in your fleet lost.At first you will have few resources and ships, but as you complete missions you'll unlock additional fighters and capital ships to back you up as well as new weapons and ship upgrades. You can issue orders to these ships on the fly, and switch between fighter craft mid-battle from a tactical screen.You need to be more cautious in the very beginning when you only have one ship per mission, but as your skills improve and your arsenal grows it turns into a fast-paced run and gun experience that encourages a forward-thinking and active playstyle.Aesthetics are a treat too: simple and atmospheric-reminiscent of classic low poly space sims like x-wing, but with a dash of the grand atmosphere of Homeworld. Almost un-textured models polished up with modern effects and with some nice backdrops and lighting make it look quite refined.Initially when it came out it wasn't designed for joysticks(and the mouse control is pretty good), but it is now compatible with your fancy HOTAS setup if you've got one.

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About Genre Flight Summary You expected to smash the colony ship and its escorts. What you didn't expect was a Federation military fleet jumping in before you were finished.House of the Dying Sun puts you in the cockpit of the universe's most mobile and lethal interceptor and also puts you in command of an elite fleet of Imperial warships. You are the Harbinger Fleet, waging a guerrilla war against the enemies of the Empire.

Your mission is always simple: Jump ahead into a system where you will most certainly be outnumbered, cripple it, and pave the way for the Armada to hang in the skies above the enemy home world like storm clouds and offer terms: submit or be purified.

There you go lyrics

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