Legends Of Equestria Pony Maker

Contents LocationsLegends of Equestria features a variety of regions, connected to one another with in each map. These portals allow for travel between major regions in the game, and are often located at the edge of the map. The locations in-game can be divided into four main categories: Towns, wilderness areas, minor maps and dungeons.Towns Cantermoreis a city perched atop a cliff of a mountain. Waterfalls from the mountains stream through different districts in the city, which serves as the starter location for.

Maybe you know of Legends of Equestria, the MLP MMO RPG that is being. Could make their OC the most accurate with the character creator'. Legends of Equestria is a free MMORPG developed entirely by volunteers, over 5 years in the making! A family-friendly social game set in the world of Equestria, create your own pony character.

Majestic palaces and observatories are lined across the far end of the city, overlooking the cliffside. 1 of 4 Crystal LibraryThe is a public building in the northwestern Crystal Kingdom. Two gryphon statues flank the entrance on either side. The mysterious appear to be located beneath the library interior.Crystal CastleThe is the central building of the Crystal Kingdom, towering over the city.

Inside, a reception area, meeting room, and the throne room are accessible. It is connected to the Crystal stadium via an elevated walkway.Crystal SpaThe is a small building found in the eastern section of the Crystal Kingdom.Crystal StadiumThe is an arena connected to the Crystal Palace in the Crystal Kingdom. An obstacle course surrounded by spectator stands dominates the area.Gall HallThe is located in Cantermore, near the exit to The Heartlands. It contains an entrance area with stairs leading up to the main hall. 1 of 4 Ponydale Libraryis a building set into a tree. The library consists of a lower level filled with books, and an upper level serving as living quarters.Sugarcane Corneris a confectionery shop found within Ponydale. Its brightly-colored exterior makes it stand out from most other buildings in the town.Sweet Apple Orchardis a farm found west of Ponydale.

Apple tree plantations, along with other crops, can be seen being cultivated here.The Boutiqueis a building located on the SE outskirts of Ponydale (across the river from Town Hall).Bramble WoodsThe is located near and the portal to Cloudopolis in the Heartlands.Crystal CavesThe can be accessed by three players using a sequence on the large snowflake in the Crystal Library.Dig SiteThe is located in the Ancient Athamanes ruins in the Heartlands.Locations in EquestriaTowns.Minor maps.Landmarks.Wilderness.

Whoa, someone actually finished a game based on Silent Ponyville! This is a short horror game and adaptation of SamRose's Silent Ponyville! You can download the game!' Pinkie Pie has been plagued by ceaseless nightmares. Her friend Twilight has been doing her best to console her, but the horrific dreams persist. One night, Twilight claims she has found an answer to Pinkie’s problem; an old spell called the Mind Delve. Nobody knows the exact effects of the spell, but it has been proven to cure ponies of psychological trauma.

From the original on 17 June 2018. Train corporation. Retrieved 16 June 2018. ^ Larson, Henry (January 1990).

Unable to bear living with the nightmares any longer, Pinkie consents to having the spell cast on her. With a flash of white, her surroundings vanish. When she comes to, she finds herself in a twisted version of her home filled with fog and monsters'. GET PUMPED GUYS! After five years of development, Legends of Equestria has now gone open access! Please note that this is not the 'final' version/release of the game and that the team will continue to add to the game, and shall still be actively in development!In particular they will be working on adding the following features over the next couple of months:.

Ancient Athamanes dungeon. More manes, tails, and customization options. New area: Applewood. New quest arc.

Crafting system. More Talent Mark optionsDownload the launcher in the source above and have fun everypony! I'm Looking forward to seeing you on your adventures! After putting years of love and effort into it, B52 Development Team is proud to present D'lirium, a top town action adventure game with horror elements. It has a neat retro artstyle with great music and ambiance and many unique environments to explore. Recently it has been released on steam as early access and with the game already having so much content and the promise of further expansions and updates, it's well worth your purchase!Description:A powerful unicorn, whose soul had been consumed by the Darkness, dooms the world to the endless suffering. The main character sets off for the journey, his goal is to find a Pandemoniun - the place where the greatest of all evils resides.

He must stop the unicorn and banish the Darkness back to Hell.D'lirium is an experimental 2D-shooter with the elements of a horror game. The game brings together some mechanics back from 90s classics, such as a search for the keys, non-linear levels and a lot of other things. Moreover, the game contains a lot of experimental tricks, such as random events, non-traditional controls for a shooter game, etc. Following with our usual tradition, we're quite late in posting this, but boy is this a nostalgia bomb! For those unaware the Luna Game series were seemingly simple platformers at the start, but eventually would lock up, playing creepy music and displaying disturbing imagery. This game concept was then expanded upon in RPG Maker by Hedgehogself and the story was further developed as well.Luna game 3D is a re-imagining of the series created in the GZDoom engine.

In this game you'll meet various character and shall need to traverse through hostile environments where one wrong move could lead to your death.' Are you skilled enough to survive in this hellish world? That's for you to find out.' We're once again a little slow on the draw (and a little slower than usual at that, admittedly), but that certainly does not and will not impede our enjoyment of posting a new Day Dreaming Derpy update!

Keeping things short this time, the developer promises two new dreams to play around in, and as the title suggests, the inclusion of Scootaloo as a playable character, which also means that all three of the Cutie Mark Crusaders are now playable! They also note that this is likely to be the last major update before the release of the full game, as that's predicted to be just around the corner! I'm not entirely sure what's up with the recent influx of pony creators, but I'm not complaining! This time around, we've got one that's centered around creating a pony that dances, and appropriately enough allows you to save your 100% Certified Original Prancing Machines as gifs, for use in whatever possible situation these kinds of images would apply. There's a decent selection of mane, tail and eye styles (though I still had trouble recreating my own pastel horse), though users should beware the occasional display bug with the color selectors and other inputs. There’s no way to describe the silliness that is 200 bit fish other than by playing it. You control Sweetie Belle, who has been equipped with jetpacks, and are tasked with delivering a fish and dropping it into a bucket.

That is until it is stolen!This game is filled with absurdity, fourth wall breaks and so many unexpected events. One minute you’ll be fighting against a red and black alicorn OC and the next you’ll be floating in zero gravity in what can only be described as hell. While the controls are something you need to get used to, I’d highly recommend this to anyone who is looking for unique gameplay mechanics and a ton of madness! For this week's Chiptunesday, we're going in a slightly different direction, as this track isn't actually chiptune at all! It is, however, a track specifically made for a pony fangame, a circa 2013 Mario Party spinoff titled My Little Party, that never materialized. Luckily for us, though, what was completed of the soundtrack certainly did!

To that end, the game-that-wasn't's talented composer Frozen Night brings us this and self-described 'relic' made for the game, naturally named and for and well representing their respective boards. Well, ladies and gents, we tried. Unfortunately, we're just not receiving a workable amount (read: usually any)of submissions for Lyra's List, and that combined with what we've seen in the comments from the two previous entries, has led us to decide to shelve these posts indefinitely. We've concluded that, simply put, the fandom at-large and the horsegamedev scene itself just isn't active enough to warrant these dedicated posts anymore; there's just not enough signal nowadays for these smaller projects and ideas to be lost in the noise like they used to. Well, would you look at that! After a long, long time in development, the Legends of Equestria team appears to finally be ready to fully open the game up to the public! With the drop of what they call the 'Open Access Release' on August 19th, 2017, the game will (as the name suggests) be available to anyone and everyone at any time, finally putting those blink-and-you'll-miss-it limited access periods to rest.

Check out the trailer for the release above, as well as the more detailed announcement post on their forum for more information! So, hello and welcome to a little something that we like. to call Chiptunesday! Admittedly, the terrible pun in the title and the embed above kinda sorta completely give away what we're going to be doing in these posts, but hey, I'll break it down anyway: Chiptunesday is a new, recurring feature here on Equestria Gaming dedicated to showcasing all of the raddest colorful-horse-related-and-inspired chiptunes that this wonderful fandom of ours has created, served up hot and fresh (er, relatively; some of these tracks are a bit old) every Tuesday! 6/20/17: So I've finally had a little bit of time to check this out for myself, and I figured I'd edit in a more developed opinion (I'm not a fan of posting things before I've had a chance to test them out). It's not bad, but it is a little lackluster considering there's no actual game attached to it yet. Additionally, I think I'm definitely more partial towards Pony Town's creator insofar as comparisons go, mostly because Pony Town offers more customization options (which is handy if you're aiming to recreate your Donut Steels from tip to toe), plus that game's ponies are just generally cuter, haha.

After an admittedly stupidly long time of missing out on posting updates on this game for one reason or another, here we are! For the uninitiated, 's take on a Fallout Equestria game, as seen above, takes the form of a 2D side-scrolling shooter, and even at this early stage is looking incredibly impressive and actually manages to capture something resembling a Fallout-esque feel. As for what exactly the 0.5 update changes, a Google Translate pass over the suggests changes and tweaks aplenty: the beginnings of a story mode, assorted map changes, in-game map transitions, updates to how enemies and how they spawn, and way more than we can reasonably fit in a post! Admittedly, trying to go for two of these within a short timespan wasn't the most.well, intelligentway to have gone about this, haha.

Kinda figured that it might help get the ball rolling a little quicker if Lyra's List hit the front page more often. Turns out that's not quiteenough time for folks to pull something together per list. Oops.So,that said, we've combined what we had for the last list with the stuff for thislist down below (hence the title!), and we'll just proceed with the List's original monthly schedule from here on out. Submissions for the next Lyra's List are open until June 30th, and we can't wait to see what you fine folks come up with next! Happy developing!.Surprisingly, only one game (!) out of over 100 others has been lost to history, which is admittedly sad but statistically wonderful, all things considered.

Legends Of Equestria Pony Maker

We'd honestly expected just a bit more difficulty in getting the actual games themselves together; whether that'd be because the only source of a game had died, which is what cost us the aforementioned one game, or because a creator's work had become relatively scattered in recent years, making hunting them down a bit of a chore (lookin' at you, futzi01). The Gentlecolts group is creating an MLP romance visual novel/dating simulator.

We were dead for quite a while before reviving the project in January of this year, getting a HUGE response, over 100 people joined our discord (discord.gg/KFZRgew) and we can finally announce that we have a team and can start working on the game! We're officially back in business! The team is quite small however, and we would REALLY like more members so that it won't take years to complete the game. Are you interested?

Would you like to help us? Here's some details on what we are looking for. Writers: We need writers able to write in proper English, with good grammar, little to no misused words, missing, incorrect or overused punctuation, able to follow a format, that has some skill in dialogue, and that would like to work on the genre of the game, slice of life, romance, and probably comedy. Someone who can come up with storylines and convincing social and romantic situations involving the Main characters in the show.

We don't need dark and gritty writers, or people who write huge adventures and such, 'cause it's out of the scope of the game. Vector Artists: They need to be able to make their vectors look as show-accurate as possible, and when translating the sketch, they don't have to follow the sketch to a T, but make it as truthful to the show as possible, fixing any errors, detail or style related issues in the sketch. There'll be certain guidelines to follow with all the artists to have a more consistent style and make it as less distinguishable as possible between the different artists in play, and all vectors must be presented in SVG files. A long time ago, on an iteration of this website now long gone, there used to be a recurring post every month under the name of Lyra's List with a simple mission: compile Game Design Documents and list available talent for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fan games. Whether you had an amazing idea for the fandom's Next Big (Playable) Thingbut had none of the skill to bring it to life, didhave the skill but simply couldn't go it alone, or even having the skill, whether as a programmer, musician, artist or writer, but didn't have a project to call your own, you turned to Lyra's List.

Man, I don't know about the rest of you folks, but I'm definitely always excited when a new one of these simulators drops! 's back at it again, following up the previous Derpy Hooves simulator(yes, this one is 4 and the last one was 6, the numbering scheme here is weird) with everyone's favorite magical, multidimensional horse/human hybrid, Sunset Shimmer! As far as things to do go, there are a handful of new things: the ability to brush Sunset's mane, and the ability to either dye or Rainbowfy ™ it.Aside from that, this is pretty much everything you've come to expect from one of these simulators at this point! Check it out at the link above, and as always, happy magical horse booping!

Within reason, of course! Please Boop Responsibly ™.

Well, would you look at that.it's a certain colorful horse gaming website's anniversary today! It's kinda hard to believe this place has been around for six years, isn't it? That's cumulativelyspeaking, anyway; the actual 'active time' count being a little wonky what with all the inactivity and outright death and junk. Still though, given all the stops and starts over the years, the fact that the site's still aroundand kicking (not to mention something I've happily become a part of!) even through all of that is simplyamazingto me! Now there's something we just don't see very often around these parts!

As the title implies (er, well, completely states), The Difference Between Us is a wonderful little -based visual novel from developer Robin Daydream covering the wonders and woes of Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy's first date. While the concept is pretty simple, the developer's description promises and the game seems to deliver on (I only say seems as I've only had time to play through the game once thus far) there being plenty of variation; between the three possible routes through the date and three endings per possible route, there should be more than enough to keep you invested for at least a little while! This really is one of the biggest surprises we've had here for a while, A short sweet demo of a JRPG featuring everypony's favourite muffin enthusiast, exploring the dreams of her fellow ponies. Absolutely beautiful artwork, with only insignificant clashing styles. You wouldn't guess that it is a mere RPG Maker game just from looking at it, really breaking the cookie cutter style you usually see in those easy-to-use engines. Very approachable and simple combat and gameplay, unlike what you would expect when someone brings up JRPG's.

Feels very stripped down, in comparison to your Final Fantasies, but never really lacking, unless you're going in expecting another overly complex grand RPG experience. It's been a little slow these past two weeks, but hey, here's a post, so no worries! Once again a little bit late on the uptake, we've got a fairly (probably a bit of an understatement, haha) important update from the now-formerly-named Fallout Equestria team, The Overmare Studios. Provided below the break is the statement from their website regarding the name change, including the always-lovely legalese behind their decision to do so, and above is the link to the latest demo released concurrently with the change.As an aside, I'd like to take the opportunity to post a little reminder that the Submit button up there exists!

Please send us news and other horse game junk when you notice it; even if you think we already know about it, we'd still appreciate the heads-up! We're just a few people here behind the curtain, so we can't (and don't) always catch everything immediately! Happy Derpy day everyone!

Due to this glorious occasion, I thought it would be the perfect time to present a trilogy of games that I'd been working on for the majority of last year.This is a series of 3d platformer collect-a-ton games designed to be as unpredictable and silly as possible, much like the character herself. While the first game is quite simple, since it was made in three days, the other two games are much more complete, imaginative and most importantly, stable! If you're in the mood for goofy satires of platforming games, these are the perfect masterpieces for you!

The composer and French translator for the stunning Japanese 2.5D beat-em-up Friendship is Epic, recently uploaded an hour-long video of a few members of their team playing an internal dev build of the game showing off some new character gameplay, poking around the game's skill tree, showing off the English and French translations of the game and generally putting the smackdown on more than a few changelings. This game's certainly looking like it's coming along pretty nicely, and I'll definitely be personally keeping an eye on this one! The first installment in a series of chapters, this one entitled 'Prologue - The Watcher,' of what seems to be a truly massive pony-themed Fallout: New Vegas modification called Gardens of Equestria went live very recently and is (NOTE: Requires Fallout: New Vegas and the Old World Blues DLC).

Among the (naturally) new story, the mod's page promises new textures, fully voiced NPCs, a 'fandom's greatest hits' radio station hosted by DJ-Pon3, an original opening cinematic, a custom soundtrack and new loading screens featuring future new locations. For those of you who have been waiting patiently for another one of those neato pony simulators, it looks like your wait is over! From the creator of the Starlight Glimmer simulator(formerly Lil-Lovey) now comes what is quite possibly the best one of these yet with the Derpy Hooves Simulator!, there's a few new bells and whistles in this particular version (though the creator notes that this is likely the last update mechanic-wise), including a toggle to the simulator's Mood System and even a small minigame! On the docket this week, we have the always-interesting massively multiplayer online FPS Planetside 2! Unfortunately, this is going to be the only thing on the docket officially for quite a while, as they have asked us to announce that the Game Night and AnimeQuestria streams are going on hiatus until March 24th, as EverlastingJoy wishes to focus on his studies for the time being.

Spyro The Dragon was released in 1998 by Insomniac games. The music was composed by Stewart Copeland, the former drummer of The Police and is an amazing soundtrack. Spyro the dragon soundtrack.

They also note that they will not being collecting votes for games until the streams officially resume on the 24th, though other staff members may host their own unofficial game nights during this time. While the site's been somewhat prone to.well, the odd total existence failurenow and again, Equestria Gaming has nonetheless somehow managed to be around for quite a long time insofar as the fandom as a whole is concerned. Since it was founded in 2011, we've seen a lot of games and game makers come and go, some of which we've covered and some, sadly enough, we haven't. I personally believe it's more than high time that we rectify that! There's plentyof games, large and small, that we've skipped over the years that deserve a mention, and we're going to start rifling through themhere and now!