Mlb 14 The Show Controls

Apr 05, 2014  (Ed. Note - For a slick look at the visual upgrade from the PS3 to the PS4 version of MLB 14: The Show, check out our full graphics comparison here.) MLB 14: The Show is another great baseball.

The controls for base running should be instantly familiar to anyone who's played baseball videogames. There are two styles of controls, and we'll over both.

Default Base Running

Default base running uses a combination of the left stick and the shoulder buttons. Hitting L1 by itself will order everyone to advance to the next base; hitting R1 will order everyone to retreat. Holding a direction on the left stick relative to the runner, then pressing the base face button, will order the runner to advance to the base you assigned. So, for example, if you hold up on the stick and press Square, you'll order the runner on second to go to third.

Classic Base Running

Classic base running uses a combination of the face buttons and the D-pad. At first blush it appears that the controls are the same, but Classic controls actually gives you far more control. Like with default base running, you can use L1 and R1 to advance or retreat all runners, respectively. Instead of selecting a runner with the left stick however, you hold the face button corresponding to what base he's on, then press the D-pad to select what base you want to send him to. For example, say you have a runner on second, and you hit a shot down the foul line. Hold Triangle (indicating 'runner on second'), then press down on the D-pad (indicating 'run home'). The player will be smart enough, of course, to round third in the process and not cut across the diamond.

Personally, I prefer classic base running controls. I admit it took me a bit of time to get used to, as I'm used to the historic 'default' controls more, but I preferred the added control. The only real problem of using classic controls is that you might give too many orders and not quite follow things correctly if you get confused, like if your runner winds up in a run down. However, if you get used to the classic controls, you'll probably find that you'll appreciate the added ability to control the runners.

The controls for stealing bases are practically identical. To steal a base with the default controls, you hit L2, plus move the left stick in the direction you want him to steal. With classic controls, you hit L2 plus the face button of the base. So, if you have a runner on first and want him to steal second, you'll either hold L2 and press up on the stick, or hold L2 and press Triangle.

Regardless of which set of controls you use, tapping L2 by itself will order all runners to steal. Tapping L1 increases their leadoffs, and tapping R1 decreases their leadoffs. For the most part, you'll never have to increase leadoffs; unless your runner has very high speed and base running ability, increasing your leadoff even a single step tends to guarantee you'll be picked off.

Stealing bases doesn't require timing on your part: if you give a steal order, the runners will be smart enough to run when the pitcher lifts his leg to commit to the pitch. Runners with better base running abilities and base running aggression ratings will be less prone to being fooled by pickoff attempts, especially deceptive pickoffs. You can specify a slide by pressing the right stick in any direction (for example, right stick upwards orders the runner to dive in head-first), but the runner will slide on his own anyway.

Runners who steal need to have high speed ratings. I refuse to attempt a steal with anyone whose speed rated below 60 (unless the game isn't really on the line), and I'm not comfortable with ordering a steal unless their speed is over 75. Of course, the opposing catcher's throwing speed and accuracy are factors also, so you may want to scout them out if you're in a season game. If the situation is favorable, by all means go for it.

If you want to perform a hit-and-run, it's basically just ordering everyone to steal and you swinging anyway. Hits-and-run are useful for throwing off the defense because they're not expecting the speed, and it might be enough to get a runner an extra base that he wouldn't have had otherwise. For example, even mediocre runners can score from first if they got a huge jump and were assisted with a deep hit. Considering all the effort it takes to pull this off, just go for a contact swing rather than a power swing; your fingers will be busy enough as it is. Florida rentals march 2020.

The downside to performing a hit-and-run is that, if the ball is caught in flight on a line drive, the runners are pretty much guaranteed to be thrown out on the way back. It's a risk/reward thing that can greatly favor you if you time it right. Late-inning hits-and-run are best, because if there are two outs already, it doesn't matter whether a ball is caught in flight. Sprung meaning.

There is actually a single instance in baseball when a hit-and-run should be a guaranteed strategy. If there are two outs and a full count, anyone who would be forced to run on a hit should be ordered to steal. That means if you have runners on first, first and second, or bases loaded, those runners should be ordered to run.

Confusing? Think about it a moment: if it's 3-2 with two outs, then the following situations can happen:

Classic 1/4Provides the least bonus for being right and the most severe penalty for being wrong. Correctly guessing pitch-type will result in the strike zone blinking red. Correctly guessing the pitch location will cause a dot to appear exactly where the pitch will be when it crosses the plate. Classic 1/4 refers to the fact that when you're guessing location, you're guessing it for one-quarter of the whole area where the pitch can end up.
A ball is thrownIn this case, a walk is issued, and the runners you ordered to steal get to advance anyway at no risk.
A strike is thrownIn this case, the inning is over anyway, and the runners you ordered to steal are irrelevant.
Batter makes contact, ball goes foulThe runners ordered to steal simply return to their bases at no risk.
Batter makes contact, ball goes into play and is caughtThe inning is over anyway and the runners you ordered to steal are irrelevant.
Batter makes contact, ball goes into play and is untouchedA successful hit! With everyone running, they'll get another base or two that they wouldn't have!

In Road to the Show, you can be benched for deciding to steal on your own (that is, without a base coach's signal). However, in the above situation, you are allowed to steal anyway and won't get into any trouble.

Speaking of Road to the Show, the game defaults to making your running based on the left stick, with up generally meaning advance and down generally meaning retreat. You can change this to use the conventional shoulder buttons, but note that if you do, the shoulders reverse. That is, R1 becomes advance and increase lead, R2 becomes steal, and L1 is retreat. This is because the camera sits behind your player and makes more sense. If you use those controls, keep that in mind so when you switch to a conventional game and the controls go back to normal, you don't get confused.

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