No Thank You In Spanish

About /r/DuolingoWelcome to the official Duolingo community of Reddit - a forum where you can discuss all things Duolingo!is a free language-learning site and mobile app that uses game-like lessons and rewards to keep you motivated!Please visit our for frequently-asked-questions like how to add flair, and additional information. ClubsLooking for a Duolingo Club, or interested in starting one? Check out to share codes and find friends to compete with!


Mar 04, 2017  Learn Spanish in 10 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need - Duration: 10:14. Learn Spanish with 4,435,431 views. En From nearby Tanganyika (now part of Tanzania), it was reported that after the showing of the film, the air was filled with cries of the crowd saying, “Ndaka, ndaka” (Thank you, thank you).

TinycardsDuolingo just created a great new app using flashcards to learn new things and help us improve our memory called. Go ahead and join the discussion on reddit:. ScreenshotsIs your lesson being hilarious? Got a funny screenshot? Is what you want!

Other Language Learning ResourcesIf you'd like extra practice communicating in your language(s) outside of Duolingo, redditors have created some extra resources:. A Duolingo Discord channel at. Discord is an app that lets you chat in real-time with other users.

Ben 10 omniverse ps3. Check out for more discussion about langauges!. If you're interested in longer-form writing prompts in other languages, check out!.

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A subreddit at, devoted to discussions in Duolingo's languages., a sub for another language-learning app.AMAsLuis von Ahn (Founder/CEO of Duolingo) occasionally does AMAs here on reddit:!

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