The Escapists Crafting Guide

Tool crafting recipes to use!.C. Tool Handle (30)File + timber+ =.C. Flimsy Shovel (40)Tool handle + sheet of metal + duct tape+ + =.C. Lightweight Shovel (60)Flimsy shovel + sheet of metal + duct tape+ + =.C. Sturdy Shovel - (80) Just keep digging. Crafting Recipes For Weapons.

Owch.C. = ContrabandIntellect is written in circular brackets '( )'Attack power is written in squared brackets ' '.C. Comb Shiv (0) 2/5Use a comb on a wall.C. Comb Blade (20) 2/5Comb + razor blade+ =.C. Toothbrush Shiv (0) 2/5Use a toothbrush on a wall.C. Glass Shank (0) 4/5Glass Shard + Duct Tape+ =.C.Molten Chocolate - (40) Instant KO, Yum. Hot hot hot!Bar Of Chocolate + cup + lighter+ + =.C.

There are several types of items that can be crafted for a variety of purposes. Always be sure that you know if the item you are about to craft is contraband.

Sock Mace (30) 3/5Sock + soap+ =.C. Super Sock Mace (50) 3/5Sock + battery+ =.C. Nunchuks (70) 5/5Wire + timber x 2+ + =.C. Whip - (80) 5/5 In case anyone drops the soap around you.Timber + wire + razor blade+ + =.C. Knuckle Duster (60) 4/5Razor blade + duct tape+ =.

A printable version of all the crafts and tools informations (two pages): number of uses, etc.CraftsFirst page contains the 'basic crafts' from the classic game maps, with the intelligence needed to craft the item (all has been confirmed on the last version I played, 1.37), and some other items like some weapons and heals you can find in other desks.ToolsThe second page contains the statistics of all of the tools (unless I missed some? I don't think so) depending of their use (digging, chipping, cutting.).It also contains the list of the keys depending of the guards (Tips: it's easier to find the corresponding key if you name the guards like 'Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo', or 'First Second Third Forth Fifth').
