Turmoil Definition

What Is Political Turmoil? Political turmoil is a term often used to describe a state of extreme unrest, unease or agitation, in relation to a government or other policy-making body. In particular, countries with complicated or conflicted histories are often said to have had periods of political turmoil. Top definition. Stranger #2: 'oh they are in turmoil, their lives are like dry handjobs.' By Thenicktionary April 24. You squeeze a turmite. I stepped on a lot of turmites, and now my shoes are slippery with turmoil.



Unknown origin. Perhaps from Old Frenchtremouille(the hopper of a mill).


  • (UK)IPA(key): /ˈtɜːmɔɪl/
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turmoil (usually uncountable, pluralturmoils)

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  1. A state of great disorder or uncertainty.
    • 2012 June 19, Phil McNulty, “England 1-0 Ukraine”, in BBC Sport:
      Oleg Blokhin's side lost the talismanic Andriy Shevchenko to the substitutes' bench because of a knee injury but still showed enough to put England through real turmoil in spells.
  2. Harassinglabour; trouble; disturbance.
    • c.1590, William Shakespeare, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, published 1623, [Act II, scene vii]:
      And there I'll rest, as after much turmoil, / A blessed soul doth in Elysium.
    • 1918, W. B. Maxwell, chapter 7, in The Mirror and the Lamp:
      The turmoil went on—no rest, no peace. […] It was nearly eleven o'clock now, and he strolled out again. In the little fair created by the costers' barrows the evening only seemed beginning; and the naphtha flares made one's eyes ache, the men's voices grated harshly, and the girls' faces saddened one.


  • chaos, disorder


  • Armenian: please add this translation if you can
  • Burmese: အရှုပ်အထွေး(my)(a.hrup-a.htwe:)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 骚乱(zh)
  • Esperanto: please add this translation if you can
  • Finnish: myllerrys(fi), sekasorto(fi), kaaos(fi)
  • French: chaos(fr), désordre(fr)m
  • Georgian: ქაოსი(ka)(kaosi), შფოთი(špoti), ალიაქოთი(aliakoti), ღელვა(ɣelva)
  • German: Aufruhr(de)m, Tumult(de)m, Unruhe(de)f, Unordnung(de)f
  • Greek: αναταραχή(el)f(anatarachí), οχλαγωγία(el)f(ochlagogía), σάλος(el)m(sálos), αναβρασμός(el)m(anavrasmós), ταραχή(el)f(tarachí)
  • Italian: caos(it), disordine(it), scompiglio(it)
  • Japanese: 騒動(ja), 混乱(ja)
  • Khmer: please add this translation if you can
  • Latin: turba(la)f, tumultusm
  • Maori: akaaka, hūkeri
  • Mongolian: please add this translation if you can
  • Persian: هرج و مرج(fa)(harj-o-marj), آشوب(fa)(āšub)
  • Portuguese: desordem(pt)m, tumulto(pt)m, caos(pt)m
  • Russian: смяте́ние(ru)n(smjaténije), потрясе́ние(ru)n(potrjasénije), беспоря́док(ru)m(besporjádok), сумато́ха(ru)f(sumatóxa), ха́ос(ru)m(xáos), хао́с(ru)m(xaós), сму́та(ru)f(smúta)
  • Spanish: desorden(es)m, turbulencia(es)f, dificultad(es)f
  • Thai: please add this translation if you can
  • Vietnamese: please add this translation if you can


turmoil (third-person singular simple presentturmoils, present participleturmoiling, simple past and past participleturmoiled)

  1. (obsolete,intransitive) To be disquieted or confused; to be in commotion.
    (Can we find and add a quotation of Milton to this entry?)
  2. (obsolete,transitive) To harass with commotion; to disquiet; to worry.
    • (Can we date this quote by Spenser and provide title, author's full name, and other details?)
      It is her fatal misfortune [] to be miserably tossed and turmoiled with these storms of affliction.

Further reading[edit]

  • turmoil in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.
  • turmoil in The Century Dictionary, The Century Co., New York, 1911
  • turmoil at OneLook Dictionary Search
  • “turmoil” in Douglas Harper, Online Etymology Dictionary, 2001–2020.
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Turmoiltur'moil (?), n. of uncertain origin; perhaps fr. Tremouille the hopper of a mill, trembler to tremble (cf.


Tremble); influenced by e. Turn and moil. harassing labor; trouble; molestation by tumult; disturbance; worrying confusion. And there i'll rest, as after much turmoil, a blessed soul doth in elysium.turmoiltur.moil' (?), v.

Turmoiled (?); p. Turmoiling. to harass with commotion; to disquiet; to worry. obs. it is her fatal misfortune to be miserably tossed and turmoiled with these storms of affliction.turmoiltur.moil', v. To be disquieted or confused; to be in commotion. A disorderly outburst or tumult; 'they were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused' syn: disturbance, disruption, commotion, stir, flutter, hurly burly, to-do2.

Violent agitation syn: tumult3. Disturbance usually in protest syn: agitation, excitement, upheaval, hullabaloo.

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