Seen It In Color

While the question is overbroad considering the millions of animal species including insects, the general answer is that scientists have reason to believe many if not most animals see in color to some extent. For simplicity, a very general rule is sometimes offered: most diurnal animals do see in color, while most nocturna animals don’t, but even here there are exceptions.Animals and insects cover an exhaustive field of biological diversity.

The majority of spiders have eight eyes and poor vision, while flies have hundreds of tiny lenses and near-360-degree vision. Eagles can spot a mouse from over one mile high (1.6 km), while a sloth has trouble seeing any animal that isn’t moving. Considering this vast diversity, whether or not animals see in color is a question that must be taken species by species.In humans, rods and cones in the eye’s detect light and color, respectively.

Eigengrau (German: 'intrinsic gray', lit. 'own gray'; pronounced ˈʔaɪ̯gn̩ˌgʁaʊ̯), also called Eigenlicht (Dutch and German: 'own light'), dark light, or brain gray, is the uniform dark gray background that many people report seeing in the absence of light.The term Eigenlicht dates back to the nineteenth century, but has rarely been used in recent scientific publications.

Rods allow us to see shapes in dim light and make our way down the hall in the middle of the night. Cones, which detect color, require more light to activate. For this reason you might notice that you don’t see color in the dark; instead, everything appears in shades of gray. Flip on a light, and the retina’s cones activate, relaying color information to the. When considering whether animals see in color, one approach is to look to the structure of the eyes to see if cones are present.

Many nocturnal animals that scientists have studied lack cones, relying instead on greater numbers of rods for extended and keener detection of movement. As an exception to the nocturnal rule, owls do have cones, leading scientists to believe these animals do see colors. Most species of, birds, cats and dogs also see in color to some degree.Humans have three sets of cones for detecting color in different wavelengths: cones that detect red wavelengths, cones that detect blue, and cones that detect green, though each cone detects a wide spectrum that overlaps to create other hues.

Animals like cats and dogs have two sets of cones, making them color-blind to specific colors. They do, however, have many more rods than humans, giving them greater night vision and a keener ability to detect motion.For example, dogs can’t distinguish between green and orange which will both look grayish. Toss a bright orange tennis ball across a green lawn and you’ll find a dog can follow it fine while it’s in motion. Once it comes to rest a distracted dog might lose the ball against the background.

Only its shape will cause it to stand out. In humans, green color blindness is referred to as deuteranopia.Feline animals see in color, but they have trouble distinguishing reds; the human counterpart being protanopia.

Reds appear as differing shades of gray to a cat. It is believed both dogs and cats see mainly in grays, yellows, and blues.Honeybees and butterflies have three pigment visual receptors with true color vision within their visual spectrum. This spectrum stops short of the but extends into the ultra-violet beyond human vision. Not only can these animals see colors, they can detect a mix of colors as well as pure colors.It is believed reef fishes see close to the same rich spectrum of colors that humans see, as evidenced by the many colors present in a environment. Though not an iron clad assumption, the animal kingdom has evolved bright coloring to both ward off predators and attract mates – an evolutionary feature that would seem to be lost on animals that cannot see color. However, exceptions exist here too and the assumption is somewhat general and speculative.Sea like sea lions, and whales possess a single type of cone for detecting patterns in light, but not colors.

This is known as cone monochromacy and these animals are believed to be totally color-blind.While it might be true that the animals we most closely associate with do not share the same rich spectrum of colors that humans enjoy, it’s probably safe to say that many diurnal animals see in color to some degree. Hence, the next time you find yourself walking down the aisle of your favorite pet store with your cat or dog in mind, you might pass up the red, green and orange toys to get something in a nice, bright shade of blue or yellow. @anon65827 – I've heard that bees can see colors, but they can't see red. They don't just rely on sight to find the flowers, though. They also rely on scent.A good example of this is an apple tree. The blossoms are white and pink, and since a bee can't see red hues, it probably doesn't know this. However, the scent is very strong and wonderful, so my apple trees are literally swarming with bees in the spring.I've also heard that butterflies can see much better than bees.

They can even see red. So, they might be a bit better at finding nectar. I wonder why pet stores even carry orange and green balls, then. It seems like a bad idea.My golden retriever loves to fetch balls, but I've noticed that he can't tell where the bright orange one is if he loses track of it in the air. He has a bad habit of running ahead before I throw the ball, so he often has to listen for the bounce when it lands.Many times, it has rolled to a stop while he is desperately searching for it. It has always amazed me that he couldn't see that neon orange ball lying in the grass, but now I know why.

Just because we use color for wavelength information does not mean a predator would. It is more likely that a predator's brain would have evolved color coding in their vision for movement information in the same way we show doppler radar in color.I suspect if anything moves the dog's vision lights up in color giving an idea of direction and acceleration. This could be why dogs are such enthusiastic car passengers as the rapid movement would create a kaleidoscope of colours. You cannot assume from the absence of eye receptors that color vision is missing.

An approximation of Eigengrau vs. the black color

Eigengrau (German: 'intrinsic gray', lit. 'own gray'; pronounced [ˈʔaɪ̯gn̩ˌgʁaʊ̯]), also called Eigenlicht (Dutch and German: 'own light'), dark light, or brain gray, is the uniform dark gray background that many people report seeing in the absence of light. The term Eigenlicht dates back to the nineteenth century,[1] but has rarely been used in recent scientific publications. Common scientific terms for the phenomenon include 'visual noise' or 'background adaptation'. These terms arise due to the perception of an ever-changing field of tiny black and white dots seen in the phenomenon.[2]

You don’t have to be oppressed by the demonic. You can live free. Sin being allowed to gain a stronghold in our life is the most common cause for demonic attack. Any Christian can come under attack by demonic forces. Any repetitive sin in our life is an opening for an demonic stronghold to take hold and become fertile ground for the devil. What is a demonic attack? From my opening paragraph I am sure you now know what a demonic attack is, but if you skipped it, a demonic attack or as many people call it (spiritual attack) is a series of events arranged by the demonic kingdom in order to gain energy. In Second Timothy 1:11 and 12, Paul gives us incredible insight into what triggers a demonic attack. He says, “Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles. For the which cause I also suffer these things.” In this verse, Paul writes about his specific calling in the Body of Christ. If you've ever woken up in the middle of the night feeling as though you're being crushed by a demonic being, you may have just experienced what's called the incubus phenomenon: an 'attack' by a. Demon attacks person. . Another key statistic is the driver behind ghost attack. In 90% of the cases where a ghost affects or possesses a person, it is because it has been ordered by a higher level ghost. Only in 10% of the cases does it attack a person on its own.

Eigengrau is perceived as lighter than a black object in normal lighting conditions, because contrast is more important to the visual system than absolute brightness.[3] For example, the night sky looks darker than Eigengrau because of the contrast provided by the stars.

Color coordinates
Hex triplet#16161D
sRGBB (r, g, b)(22, 22, 29)
CMYKH (c, m, y, k)(24, 24, 0, 89)
HSV (h, s, v)(240°, 24%, 11%)
ISCC–NBS descriptorBlack
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
H: Normalized to [0–100] (hundred)


Researchers noticed early on[when?] that the shape of intensity-sensitivity curves could be explained by assuming that an intrinsic source of noise in the retina produces random events indistinguishable from those triggered by real photons.[4][5] Later experiments on rod cells of cane toads (Bufo marinus) showed that the frequency of these spontaneous events is strongly temperature-dependent, which implies that they are caused by the thermal isomerization of rhodopsin.[6] In human rod cells, these events occur about once every 100 seconds on average, which, taking into account the number of rhodopsin molecules in a rod cell, implies that the half-life of a rhodopsin molecule is about 420 years.[7] The indistinguishability of dark events from photon responses supports this explanation, because rhodopsin is at the input of the transduction chain. On the other hand, processes such as the spontaneous release of neurotransmitters cannot be completely ruled out.[8]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Ladd, Trumbull (1894). 'Direct control of the retinal field'. Psychological Review. 1 (4): 351–55. doi:10.1037/h0068980. Retrieved 28 September 2012.
  2. ^Hansen RM, Fulton AB (January 2000). 'Background adaptation in children with a history of mild retinopathy of prematurity'. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 41 (1): 320–24. PMID10634637.
  3. ^Wallach, Hans (1948). 'Brightness Constancy and the Nature of Achromatic Colors'. Journal of Experimental Psychology. 38 (3): 310–24. doi:10.1037/h0053804. PMID18865234.
  4. ^Barlow, H.B. (1972). 'Dark and Light Adaptation: Psychophysics.'. Visual Psychophysics. New York: Springer-Verlag. ISBN978-0-387-05146-8.
  5. ^Barlow, H.B. (1977). 'Retinal and Central Factors in Human Vision Limited by Noise'. Vertebrate Photoreception. New York: Academic Press. ISBN978-0-12-078950-4.
  6. ^Baylor, D.A.; Matthews, G; Yau, K.-W. (1980). 'Two components of electrical dark noise in toad retinal rod outer segments'. Journal of Physiology. 309: 591–621. doi:10.1113/jphysiol.1980.sp013529. PMC1274605. PMID6788941.
  7. ^Baylor, Denis A. (1 January 1987). 'Photoreceptor Signals and Vision'. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 28 (1): 34–49. PMID3026986.
  8. ^Shapley, Robert; Enroth-Cugell, Christina (1984). 'Visual Adaptation and Retinal Gain Controls'. Progress in Retinal Research. 3: 263–346. doi:10.1016/0278-4327(84)90011-7.
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